Chapter 12 - She's Got His Curls

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Picture of Maya on the side:) ===========>


Chapter 12

*3 years later*

**Bella POV**

I wake up to see a little girl above me smiling. I smile back at her and open my arms wide. She gladly crawls into my arms and snuggles her head into the crook of my neck. I stroke her hair knowing that the nightmares woke her up again.

“Was it the dreams again Maya?” I ask looking into her green eyes. She sniffs a little before Nutella jumps on the bed and walks over to Maya and nuzzles her affectionately.

She nods. “Yes. It was worse this time. When daddy found out the secret he disowned me.” she starts crying and hugs Nutella to her. The pain in her eyes breaks my heart. I hug her tightly as she cries into my shirt.

“Shhhh. Baby don’t cry. When you meet your daddy he won’t disown you. I’m sure he loves you very much.”

“How do you know?” The three year old snaps. “He doesn’t care! I haven’t even met him and he doesn’t know of my existence! I have to learn everything about my dad on a tv!” she sobs more as I rub her back. I have to say, she’s smart for a 3 almost 4 year old.

“Maya Marie Styles look at me.” She looks up at me with red eyed. “Your father will love you no matter what! He won’t care that you’re sick! Just because he sent the divorce papers in the mail after a year of marriage doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you! He isn’t bonded to me anymore, you are bonded to him. You are his blood. He will love you.”

She just nods and sobs as memories come flooding back.


*2 years ago*

“Here comes the plane!”

Maya giggles and opens her mouth as I feed her. I ruffle her dark curls on her head when I hear the door open.

“HELLO!” Cara yells charging into the room with mail in her hands. She immediately goes over to Maya to play with her and hands me the mail. I roll my eyes and sit at the kitchen table and go through the mail. Something catches my eye as I’m going through mail. I raise an eyebrow at the envelope as I open it. The first words being on the paper were:

‘Bella Elizabeth Campbell Styles, this paper has been sent to you because Harry Styles wants a divorce.’


The whole world comes crumbling down.

He doesn’t even know that he has a daughter.


**Harry POV**

Management called me into their office today for something. I’m as nervous as hell waiting in the waiting room.

I examine my left hand where my ring lays. I wonder if she’s ok. I miss her so damn much. I wonder if she still wears her ring. I really miss telling her that I love her every day.

“Harry Styles, you may go in now,” says the bulky receptionist. I nod and stand up. I open the doors to the office to see all of management looking at me expectantly. I look at the table to see a piece of paper sitting there with a slick ballpoint pen.

Unexpected Meeting (Harry Styles fanfic) [To be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now