Cuz I don't believe in Ghosts

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    Diana was determined to finish the job this time, she would take a bus to the Wells Fargo Center, climb the stairs up to the roof, and take a graceful leap off. She had always chosen flight as a pretend power so she thought it would be fun to experience it, even for just a minute. Take two, she thought as she got off the bus in front of the Giant building, ready for the end. She didn't shower again, it wouldn't have been as ceremonial and she didn't have the time since she had to take the bus ride.

She decided to take the elevator as far up as it would go and then climb the rest of the stairs. She got onto the roof and gave a silent laugh at the myriad of trash and bottles, seemed like this roof had seen its share of parties and late-night drinking fests. 

Diana set her bag down, plugged in her headphones and stepped up to the edge of the roof, standing as close as she could to the open air without prematurely falling. Then she felt it get cold behind her, but there was no wind. She turned and almost fell back as she saw a pair of pale ethereal hands reaching out for her, they were enveloped in some kind of light mist or smoke. It moved back to reveal more and more of these familiar looking forearms until the body attached to them was visible. Diana stood in shock, she couldn't move, for some bizarre reason this weird, pale, transparent-looking thing looked like...


She moved away from the edge and this thing she must have been hallucinating. Its eyes were following her, observing her. She l o s t  i t.

Diana screamed as loud as she could, and the thing flinched.

"HEY, IT'S OKAY YOU'RE OKAY" he yelled. She continued screaming.

"WHAT IN THE GOOD NAME OF FUCK IS GOING ON", Diana said, not so calmly.


She was suddenly silent, a large contrast from her unhinged wailing, "Kai?", she said. She couldn't possibly understand it, Kai is dead. Isn't he? The only rational thing she could think of was that she must have jumped and she must be having some weird afterlife introduction thing, or maybe she was still at school, in class sleeping and this was some messed up nightmare her brain had come up with. 

"Hey, Ana" he said in almost a whisper.

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