Injuries, Friendship And Saving Others...

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I smacked the villains away, letting their unconscious forms drop to the ground before freeing the kid from the grown men's grasp. "Thanks!", we took up battle stances together and watched each others backs as the villains swept around. The vigilant didn't have any pattern or rhythm for how he attacked, giving him the advantage of surprise.

Within five minutes, we had dealt with the majority of the thugs and Wolf Spider ran to help whoever was in the shipwreck zone. I watched him speed away, capture gear knocking two of the shorter villains heads together.

"Well, if it isn't Erasure Head. You're cool and all but All Might was meant to be here by now!", the hand villain spoke in a scratchy voice, somewhat familiar from somewhere... Ah! He was that villain who injured Spider before I took him to UA. I dropped the villains and immediately ran at the hand man. "Nomu!" Damn, I'm too slow.

I tried to stop as the giant monster drew is arm back, heading right for me.

Shinsou swam as fast as he could, though that wasn't very quick due to the fact his quirk wasn't water or speed related, and villains are coming right at him. Come on! Swim faster! He willed himself to put more strength into his kicks.

Something wrapped around his stomach and he was swiftly pulled from the water, gasping for the oxygen that had escaped his system. Looking up, he realised that Asui had saved him and the disgusting purple pervert. Honestly, Shinsou thought, he gives other purple-haired people a bad first impression.

Hitoshi nodded to the frog hero and held in a shiver, rubbing his arms and shaking the extra water out of his hair, which was somehow still defying gravity and sticking out in all directions. The brainwash hero quickly surveyed his surroundings, M*neta was bawling his eyes out about dying, the villains where hiding under the water's surface and were steadily drawing closer, Wolf Spider was hiding behind a bush at the waters edge - Wait Wolf Spider?!!

Shinsou looked closer and saw the vigilante signing something at him, 'are you all okay?', relieved that he learnt sign language at a young age, he signed back, 'yes, but trapped' and god the hero-in-training hoped the villains didn't know sign language.

The vigilante nodded, Tsu acknowledged the boy's presence, though she said nothing. The Wolf Spider signs, 'get him to throw those purple orbs when you see the signal'. The hero course students watched as Wolf Spider dived headfirst into the water and disappeared. The pair eyed the water suspiciously as some of the villains made a commotion and, not a heartbeat later, were thrown into the air due to an explosion.

The tall lavender-haired boy quickly yelled at the other to, "throw your hair things into the air" and pointed straight at the falling bodies, which he did with an unnecessary amount of crying. With that, the frog girl grabbed Mineta by the shirt and wrapped her tongue around Shinsou's waist whilst jumping off the ship, she passed over the horde of floating villains and landed in the shallow water with a small splash.

"Who was that, ribbit?", Tsui asked after a moment, "He helped us didn't he?" she held the midget under the water because he tried to do something inappropriate, his limbs flailing beneath the surface.

Shinsou rubbed his neck and smiled under his capture gear. "That was the vigilante Wolf Spider. He's extremely kind, but I don't know why he's here." a splash behind the three caught their attention and they turned to see said vigilante come swimming away from the villains.

Shinsou unwound his shoulders and moved to allow Wolf to wade up next to him. "Sorry Toshi, I may or may not have been caught. I didn't want to be here either," the teen sighed. "are you hurt? You were under the water for a while." He asked, worry glinting in his eyes as he silently checks the other two flee wounds.

What's A Hero? , Vigilante Izuku AU (Original writing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ