Code name: La ragazza con il vino

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•Mariano Salvatore•

I really enjoy her company; she is so sweet and laughs at my stupid jokes although she makes the same kind of jokes so that might be why. Serafina absolutely loves being in her arms and Viola is with me because since she was born she has been more dependent and attached.

"How long are you staying in Rome?" Arabella asked as she took a sip of her champagne.

"I don't know," Abra replied "I've been thinking about moving here."

"A woman with good taste," I said with a smile "why are you considering this place as your next home?"

Abra smiled looking at Serafina "It's so cozy, I feel at home even though I wasn't born here."

"I think it's the gelato," I said and she laughed gazing at me "there's this place that makes the most delicious chocolate-hazelnut gelato," I licked my lips just thinking about it.

"Why don't you take her?" Arabella suggested "you could show her around the city tomorrow, maybe advice her on the best neighborhoods, take her to the best restaurants," she smiled looking at the two of us "we can take care of Viola and Serafina, right baby?"

Apollo nodded "Anything for my best friend."

"Are you sure? I'm always the one who takes care of them," I don't want to leave my babies alone with slut #1 and slut #2 because they always get so caught up on their kisses and touching, like, they really want another baby.

"Of course we are sure," Arabella nodded like the crazy woman she is "we will take them to see horses, then we can have lunch at the vineyard and we will come back here for a homemade dinner so you two can go party," she shrugged "anything you guys want."

"Okay," I accepted hesitantly but not because I don't want to help Abra, I love the idea of showing her this magnificent city but I haven't left my babies side since...ever. Guess it's time for the separation to happen.

"Perfect!" Arabella exclaimed and then glanced at her husband like they always do when they are plotting something "so, Abra, would you like to meet our chef?"

"I would love to," Abra smiled as she stood up with her glass of wine "lead the way."

My best friend stood up and then left with my new friend who is so nice and pretty...

"So," Apollo broke my chain of thoughts "she has a nice body," he commented.

"You're such a man," I complained "she's nice and funny too which is way more important."

He laughed "You've known me since forever and still haven't figured out how I get things out of you," I felt myself go pale because I gave him exactly what he wanted "so, you like her?"

I gazed at him "Allegra—"

"My sister is not important. You don't have to apologize for finally taking a step on the right direction which is: moving on," Apollo smiled softly at me "Abra seems like a really nice girl, you should give it a go; get to know her, kiss her, fuck her," he shrugged "be the most Italian man ever."

I laughed wholeheartedly "You ended up married to someone who had to fall in love with you, yes or yes. Don't give me that Italian charm pep talk."

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