"Good for you." He nodded before walking away.



"So, if you happen to like this guy a lot, would you move to Florida for him?" Sam loudly asked as we hung around by the grill. Dylan and Joey wanted to grill food instead of ordering pizza for a second time.

I admitted. "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. It's the first date!"

Dylan glanced back. "Riley, you have a date?"

Sam yelled, overly excited. "Yeah, tonight. He's picking her up later on."

Cameron added, "Can't wait to talk some sense into him. I want him to know Riley is my sister."

Every time I looked over at Joey, he acted as if he weren't paying attention. He's probably talking to one of the many girls that got the luxury of seeing him completely naked. Or touched and had all of his body.

Dylan laughed. "Cam, your skinny ass isn't scaring anyone."

We all joined laughing together.

"You always talking shit, Dyl. You're skinny too," Cam defended himself.

Sam cut in after smacking Dylan on his bare chest. "Where's he taking you? I bet somewhere super nice."

I shrugged with a smile. "Apparently, it's a surprise."

Joey added, "How romantic."

I shot back. "You ever take a woman on a date, Joey? Or is that what your bedroom is for?"

Dylan and Samantha laughed hysterically, gripping their stomachs. "Fuck! That was a good one," Dylan spoke. Joey didn't think it was too funny.

Samantha slouched near Joey and put her arm around his shoulder. "You guys are going to stop picking on Joey. Dylan, you never took a girl on a date before either."

He dropped everything and stood near them, playfully yelling, "Oh, huh? I took Vanessa to the movies before. What now?" Dylan stuck up for himself.

Joey interjected. "Did you or did you not have sex with her in the theater?" It took Dylan a while to reply. "Thought so." Joey mused.

I listened to them bicker back and forth before I let everyone know I was going to start getting ready. Sam let me know she'll be on her way once she finishes her bowl of ice cream. We went shopping a few days ago, just for my date. She insisted she buys me an outfit with her dad's credit card. I didn't want to accept it, but she hit me with her sad puppy dog look that I always fall for.

When I got out of the shower, Sam sat stretched out on my bed. "I'm doing your makeup tonight!"

She had all of her products laid out on the floor in my room. I wasn't going to say no to that because she's a makeup guru. I'm usually on the hair, and she's on the makeup. I sat on the edge of the bed with my eyes closed.

"You smell good! You trying to get lucky?" Sam joked, making my face turn colors.

I laughed. I haven't had sex in a while because Kevin was so busy all the time. I'm sure why I'm so lustful towards Joey because I haven't been touched in weeks. "I don't know. I guess, whatever happens, happens."

"Can't wait to hear all about it." She pulled my head back so that I could see her smiling.

I sat back as Samantha painted on my face. She did a natural, no-makeup look, which I didn't mind. My eyes watered a few times when she kept redoing the thick line of eyeliner on my lid. I eventually took the brush myself and tried not to mess it up. My eyes were so sensitive when someone else did my liner or mascara. She painfully plucked my eyebrows, combed out my hair, and attempted to curl it—and it actually looked nice.

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