Chapter Thirteen: Into the Hills

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Preparations took the whole day. Fortunately, Pan and Aren were planning with Marn for most of it. So they were able to gather supplies freely. Finally, when darkness began to fall, they made their final preparations. Despite Ronald's objections, Estela somehow got her hands on another sword. She'd also called Relma a dagger.

"Shouldn't we leave a note for your aunt?" asked Ronald.

"No," said Relma. "Why should I?"

"She'll be worried," said Ronald.

"She can be worried for all I care," said Relma. She had not gotten any less angry. Relma was supposed to be just one more link in a chain of nameless people.

People who would never achieve anything or be remembered at all.

People like her Father and Mother were only necessary because of how they related to Relma. And if Relma didn't act now, she'd only be known by what she said to her son. She'd be some pathetic Mother who died or was incorruptible and kindhearted. She never did anything extraordinary.

Relma could see it now. Some curly-haired blue-eyed brat asking stupid questions of Aunt Pandora. Doing exactly as he was told and fulfilling his role.


Relma was chosen by Anoa.

She was the Heir of Kings. Whether Pandora wanted it or not.

"Relma, if she thinks you've been kidnapped again, she might try and invade," said Ronald. "People could get killed. So we need to leave a note."

It was a good point.

"Fine," said Relma. "Estela, can I dictate to you?"

"Yes," said Estela.

"I could do it," said Ronald.

"You could, but I asked Estela," said Relma.

Estela took out a quill and paper that Ronald had bought earlier, probably for this purpose. She set out some ink and dipped a quill, then looked up.

"Dear Aunt Pan,

"I am not your brood mother. I am going to be King. When you read this, I will be halfway to Lightning Trail.

"Go to hell.



Estela wrote it out quickly. Ronald stared. "...You sure you don't want to try it again."

"Not really. I'd like to see the look on her face," said Relma. "Let's go."

They slipped out of the inn. As they walked, they found a house in which Marn had placed command. They could see through an upper window Aunt Pan speaking with Aren.

"What do you suppose they're talking about?" asked Ronald.

"Something about destiny," said Relma. "I don't really care."

Soon, they reached the gate and found it guarded. As they approached, they found Tanith leaning beneath the gatehouse. She was smiling, speaking with another guard. Then she glanced up as they came.

"Hold where you are. Where are you going?" asked Tanith.

"We're going out for a walk," said Relma. "That's all."

"Sure, you are." scoffed Tanith. "Carrying equipment for a week-long journey. "I'm on the watch to make sure the werewolves-"

"Man wolves," said Estela.

"-werewolves don't go hunting people," said Tanith. "No one is supposed to be out at night. It's suicide.

"We're only taking a short walk," said Relma. "And we'll be-"

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