Chapter 19

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Ahsoka's hand gripped the balcony railing tightly as she overlooked the lush Rivendell valley, the twilight descending into night. Aragorn and Arwen had departed from the pavilion shortly after Elrond and Gandalf had left, leaving only Toshinori, Snape, and Sasuke. Below the balcony, she could see Lord Hokage and his son Boruto training with kunai in an open area. "There's something that's been bothering me about our last mission," she said to those who remained in the pavilion. 

"What's that?" asked Toshinori. 

"I talked to the other demigods that Frodo was traveling with. There were a total of five members for their quest."

"An unusual number of members for demigods on a quest," Headmaster Snape noted. "Usually they travel in a trio."

"And I only remember rescuing four kids," Toshinori added.

Ahsoka nodded. "Apparently two of the members, the ones called Merri and Pippin, kind of invited themselves to the quest without permission. They stowed away on Frodo's ship. Before we arrived, one member of their party named Luke betrayed them, and joined Darth Vader." She gripped the railing even tighter, turning her orange skin unnaturally pale around her clenched fists. "The demigod Samwise told me that Vader claimed to be Luke's father, which is why he betrayed them and sided with Vader in the first place."

Toshinori started. "Vader has a son?"

"It appears so. I don't think Vader would lie about something like this, even if it did mean getting a demigod to join his side."

"There isn't much we can do about it," said Snape. "This demigod is likely far out of our reach by now. All we can do is warn the League of Heroes about our new enemy."

Ahsoka sighed, turning away from her perch at the edge of the overlook. "I just wish there was something I could do to change Vader's mind. He used to be a kind master...and a good friend. I wish there was something I could do to reach him."

Sasuke and Snape exchanged looks while Toshinori sighed. 

"I'm sure you'll think of something," Toshinori said. "But for now, we have to focus on destroying the Ring. If a weapon of that kind of power falls into enemy hands, we're going to be in for an even harder fight than the one we have now."

Ezra burst into the room. He looked instantly chagrined when all four of the pavilion's occupants turned their full attention onto the young Jedi. "Oh, hey," he said, giving a small wave, until he noticed Toshinori. He ogled the skeletal man in alarm. "Who are you?"

Toshinori sighed. "No one important."

"S-sorry," Erza stuttered, looking around him. Ahsoka smiled warmly at the young Jedi, although Snape and Sasuke were both frowning at Ezra. Then again, Ahsoka had noticed that both men perpetually seemed to be frowning, so there wasn't really anything unusual there. "I didn't realize you were all in an important meeting."

"I hope you interrupted for an important reason," Snape returned sharply. 

"It's totally fine," Ashoka reassured Ezra. 

"Um, some more members of the League of Heroes showed up in response to the distress call you sent out," Ezra said. "They apologized for making you wait so long, but they've been on the front lines and couldn't break away any sooner. Boromir and Chief Hiccup showed up."

"I'm grateful they arrived. Unfortunately, we've wasted their time," Ahsoka said. "But they'll be welcome to stay here until tomorrow when we'll all be heading to the meeting. I'll tell them myself. We can discuss things further at the meeting."

EPIC: A Demigod's Tale by Frodo BagginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora