Chapter 8

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"We're 'ere, Mr. Frodo," Sam said, gently shaking the sleeping demigod awake.

"Already?" Frodo asked with a yawn.

"This isn't Rivendell," Luke growled.

"No, this is Sûl," Strider said as he slid into the pilot's seat.

"I thought we were going to Rivendell?" Sam tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

"We are, Mr. Gamgee," Strider said as he set course for the planet Sûl. "However, we are being followed. Our pursuers will not expect to find us on Sûl. Rivendell, on the other hand, is probably where they assume we're going. They will have many looking for us along the route, but they won't think to look for us on this less traversed planet. While they are off investigating other areas of space, we should be able to make our way to Rivendell." As Strider explained this, the ship entered the planet's atmosphere and Strider took it close to the surface before setting down. Although Strider had set the ship down near a forest, much of the surrounding area was grassland. Rolling hills extended as far as Sam could see. Patches of gray rock broke through the planet's surface. Ancient stone ruins crowned the nearest hill.

"We'll be spending the night here," Strider said, gesturing to the ruins. "This was once known as the great watchtower of Amon Sûl. It is now called Weathertop."

"Weathertop's looking a little weathered," Merri snickered. Pippin hooted with laughter.

"Guys, come on," Luke said with a flick of his hair, heading down the ramp and onto the countryside. Sam rolled his eyes and helped Frodo off the ship. The demigods began the trek up the hill after Strider had given them supplies.

"So the guy gives us supplies, tells us to walk up the hill, and then leaves claiming he's going to check the area out," Luke said. "If that's not suspicious, I don't know what is."

"Should we do something about it?" Pippin asked.

"I say we trust Strider," Frodo said.

"On what basis?" Luke said. "We don't anything about him."

"If we don't trust 'im, 'ow come we're followin' 'is instructions?" Sam asked.

"Look, just keep an eye out, okay?" Luke said.

"Yeah, sure, sure," said Merri. "I'm sure Strider's fine. And if he's not, well, we can just steal his ship and leave him stranded here."

"Sounds fair," Pippin agreed. 

The four hiked up to the top of the mountain. Frodo collapsed at the top, panting. "I'm too tired to climb another step!" he breathed. 

"It wasn't all that high," Luke admonished. 

"Going uphill isn't easy," Sam said in defense of Frodo, though he secretly agreed that the climb hadn't been that much of a challenge. 

Luke strode to the edge of the mountain, standing beside a wall that was now mostly crumbled to ruins as he looked outward at the horizon. "At least we can see far into the distance as long as we're up here," he commented. "That way, if any enemies approach, we should be able to see them coming from a long ways off and have time to prepare."

"Um, Mr. Frodo's fallin' asleep again," said Sam. The sleepy son of Hypnos was half slumped over Sam, half-asleep.

"Yeah, 'e's always doin' that," Merri said, mimicking Sam's accent. Samwise frowned. 

"My point is, I think we should try and get some rest," Sam clarified, shooting an irritated look in Merri's direction. 

"Yeah, good idea," Luke agreed. After searching the area, he found a stairway descending to a cave-like area that would help shelter them from the wind. It also provided a temporary shelter for the night. Luke found sleeping bags included in the supplies Strider had given them. He laid them out over the cold stone floor. 

"All right, who wants to keep watch first?" he asked. 

Merri raised his hand. "I can." 

Luke sighed. "Fine, but make sure you don't fall asleep, all right?" 

Merri looked offended. "I'm a son of Hermes, not Hypnos. Of course I won't fall asleep."

"Actually, you seem exactly like the type of guy who would do just that."

"Ouch," Merri said. 

"Just being honest."

"I don't think we need to be that honest," Merri said. "Besides, Pippin will keep me company. Right, Pip?"

Both Luke and Merri turned to look at the demigod, who had spread himself out over one of the sleeping bags and looked rather cozy lying there. "Oh, uh, actually I'm pretty tired and I was going to get some sleep," Pippin said. 

Merri groaned. "Thanks a lot."

"All right, you can have first watch, then," Luke told Merri. 

"Okay, and then I wake you up in about an hour?" Merri asked. 

"Uh, I was thinking a watch shift should last like three or four hours," Luke explained. 

"That sounds like a lot of hours spent doing nothing," Merri grumbled. 

"Yes. This is a quest, not a trip to Kaibaland!" Luke snapped. "Just shut up and do your job."

Merri sat sulkily on the cold stone. "Fine, fine."

Sam and Frodo were already both snugly tucked inside their sleeping bags, fast asleep. Pippin yawned and his eyelids drooped. Luke lay down on his own sleeping bag, wondering if he could trust Merri to keep watch for a few hours. At least Strider was out there, hopefully scouting for enemies. Still, Luke was uncertain as to whether they could trust Strider yet. He seemed to have been nothing but helpful so far, and Frodo trusted him, but still...

Luke found his thoughts scattering as he drifted off into sleep.

EPIC: A Demigod's Tale by Frodo BagginsWhere stories live. Discover now