Chapter 6

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Sam awoke abruptly from the bed he had been sharing with Pippin and Merri. Frodo, who had insisted he wasn't tired, was snoring in an armchair in a dark corner of the room. Strider sat quietly by the window, silently and solemnly staring outside into the city of Bree, covered in the bluish light of night. Frost covered the windows, and it appeared to be sleeting outside. Sam heard the high-pitched screeching that woke him up. 

"What in the blazes is that?" asked Luke, who had been standing by the fireplace. The flickering flames cast him in rosy light. He was on edge as he approached the frosty window pane and peered outside. 

"Dementors," Strider explained seriously. He glanced back at Frodo. "They are searching for him...and what he carries."

Sam squinted at Strider, who had his hand on his sword, as if he was prepared to use it any second. What did this man know about their quest? It was bad if he somehow already knew about the Ring. Sam tossed aside his covers, feeling uneasy. "If they're lookin' for us, then maybe we should get out of here," he said. 

"Wait until morning," Strider said. 

"That seems the most prudent course of action," Luke agreed, brushing back some stray strands of his overgrown bangs. "After all, if those creatures are looking for us, it will make it much harder to escape from Bree unnoticed tonight. Maybe if we wait, they'll be gone by morning."

"What is this horrible feeling?" Merri said, shivering. 

"That is the ability of a dementor," Strider said, returning his gaze to the window. "They feed on happiness and leave people with only feelings of depression and despair. That is what you are feeling now."

"What is with this guy?" Pippin whispered quietly to Merri. "He's so serious. Do we even know if we can trust him?"

Merri shrugged. "Maybe he's usually more chipper. After all, even I'm not feeling so cheerful myself with all these dementors about. As for if we can trust him...well, he's been nothing but helpful so far, so he seems alright."

"Okay," Pippin agreed, thinking that was a fair assessment. Strider seemed willing to help them. And Merri generally knew how to handle situations like these anyway. "Merri?"

"Yes?" Merri asked, glancing at Pippin. 

"Can we have another reactor core?"

"Pippin," Merri said in exasperation. "It's the middle of the night. Maybe try for less drinking and more sleeping?"

"I never even got to try my reactor core because most of it went all over Frodo. Besides, I feel too gloomy. And this place is so creepy that I don't think I'll ever be able to get a wink of sleep," Pippin complained. 

"Yeah, it's at times like these when you envy being a child of Hypnos," Sam commented, glancing at the drooling Frodo. 

Pippin and Merri exchanged a glance. 

"Nah, I've never wanted to be a child of Hypnos," Pippin said. "That would be really lame. The only power you get is sleeping. Anyone can do that."

Merri nodded heartily. "Yeah, Hypnos powers are the worst."

"Here," Strider said, tossing the demigods chocolate bars.

"What are these for?" Luke asked suspiciously.

"Chocolate is an antidote to the dementors' presence," Strider explained.

Sam looked skeptical. "Chocolate really helps?"

Merri and Pippin had already chowed down on their chocolate bars.

"Mmmmm, that's pretty good," Pippin said.

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