Forty-five: Fly like a bird, free in the sky

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It was only a few minutes past five in the morning. Louis walked down the stairs of the old apartment and onto the street. Cars and people were just starting to move in the early morning, the sun had just risen in the sky. The morning was still chilly, but still warm enough to walk without a sweater. For once, Louis wore a t-shirt. His many scars were clearly visible, exposed for all to see, but he didn't care. He was going to live with them for the rest of his life, so why not get used to showing them now? School was over, but people still had to go to work. Therefore, cars and busses were busy going down the streets carrying the people who had somewhere to be. Louis had somewhere to be too. With a deep breath, he grabbed his suitcase and held onto the backpack he had over his shoulder. He wanted to get to the airport early, especially since he'd never flown before and he wanted as much time as possible to find his way to the plane. It was both nerve-wracking and exciting. He felt like a different person in the t-shirt with the suitcase dragging behind him. The bus stop wasn't too far away, only a ten-minute walk or so. The bus left in twenty minutes, so he had plenty of time to wander and find his way. He smiled to himself. It was already a good day.

The airport was large and somewhat chaotic. Louis easily disappeared in the crowd, hidden away in the mass of people setting off to different states and countries. It wasn't easy to find his way to the gate after the TSA, but with the help of a nice family going in the same direction, he got to the gate with plenty of time to spare. He pulled his legs up to his chest. He was used to being alone, so why did it feel so empty now? Why did he feel so hollow without anyone around? A part of him craved Bran's touch. Another part still cried and whimpered at the sound of his name. Maybe if he had just been more obedient or shown more affection. Maybe if Louis had smiled and laughed or talked to him more often. Maybe then Bran would've been a real boyfriend. But hadn't Louis tried to make conversation? Bran always brushed him off. Louis sighed. He wasn't sure who was the worse boyfriend, Bran or him. Bran wasn't very nice, but Louis barely even tried to make it work. And now he was betraying him. The plane left at 9:50. Louis looked at his phone, only another half hour.

"The subscriber you have dialled is not in service." A voice said on there other end of the line. Bran tensed, pressed the red button on the screen and stared at the floor. He swallowed and slowly turned, facing the closed door to Louis Carter's apartment. George Carter was already annoyed with him, he was annoyed with her. Knocking again wouldn't do him any good.

Brannon Begum took one step after another down the old steps of the apartment. It didn't feel right. He felt disoriented and distracted, controlled by emotions he hadn't felt before. He felt empty. It felt wrong. His steps were heavy and echoed through the stairwell. Eyes like day and night, skin like the first snow, hands thin and frail, smooth. Bran shivered. Why would he..? Where? Maybe he misunderstood what Bran said and went to the airport by himself.

Bran ran out to his car and jumped in the driver's seat. His heart was pumping frantically. It was dangerous for Louis to be alone, pretty things tend to get targeted, precious diamonds run the risk of being stolen. Bran stomped down on the gas when he saw the relatively empty road ahead of him. Twisting between the cars and speeding past the people in front of him, he rushed to the airport. He just hoped that Louis would be there, waiting for him.

I'll be on the sidewalk. Liar.

As Bran sped up to the airport he parked his car in the reserved spot and rushed toward the terminals. When he came to the front of the airport he frantically looked around. There were so many people standing there, Louis just had to be one of them. Pushing through the crowds, he searched for the porcelain face he had come to crave. Maybe he had gone inside, Bran told himself. Maybe he had gone to get a drink of water or something to eat while he waited for him. The airport was big, Louis just had to be there. Where else?

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