Seventeen: Rich boy tendencies

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Bran glanced over at Louis every few seconds as they drove towards the mansion. Bran usually wasn't cocky about his wealth but Louis made him want to show it off. Louis' curiosity and the way he was easily amazed made Bran want to show him all he had. He wanted to see Louis' eyes widen as he showed him around the mansion and he wanted to see his adoring look in his eyes when he saw the garage. As they drove Louis kept fidgeting with his clothes and fingers, pulling his sleeves over his hands and cracking his knuckles. His thin frame and pale skin made him look like a mannequin in the passenger seat of Bran's expensive car and it just made Bran even cockier.

They pulled up in the driveway of Bran's mansion and Louis stared at the large house. He'd been asleep the last time he arrived and when he left he'd been nervously glancing at Bran. He finally saw it clearly now, the outside walls were lit up by lights hidden away in the bushes and beautiful flower bushes decorated the front entrance of the house. It was dark outside but that didn't matter since literally all of Bran's garden was lit up by fairytale like lights and lanterns, glittery, glowing fountains and a pool that shined brightly in the dark. The water in the pool reflected on the wall of the bathhouse behind it. The light danced on the wall like waves of glitter and Louis stared in complete awe as Bran smiled to himself. It was getting close to 10 pm and they were both getting tired.

"Lou... Let's go inside..." Bran said and gently grabbed Louis' hand. Louis flinched when Bran touched him and swallowed hard.

"Okay..." Louis mumbled and followed Bran inside.

The heavy door closed behind them and Louis was met by a part of the mansion he hadn't seen before, the front. There was a large staircase that lead to a second floor with yet another staircase. Louis stood with his mouth open and stared at the large space. It was even bigger than Kyle's mansion.

"Mom! Dad!" Bran called and started walking down a hall, still holding Louis' hand. "There's someone I'd like you to meet!"

"We're in the lounge!" A woman called and Bran took a sharp turn into a large room. There were couches, armchairs, tv's on the wall, a large pool table and an entire bar. It looked like a hotel bar, not something you'd find in someone's house. "Welcome home sweetheart..." A woman with tan skin said. Her hair was curly and black, tied in a majestic hairdo and she wore a fancy blouse.

"Mom... baba..." Bran began and held Louis out in front of him. "This is Louis Carter. My boyfriend." Bran's parents turned their heads in surprise and looked at Louis from top to toe.

"Hello, Louis. My name is Ava" The lady said and shook Louis' hand. He whimpered quietly and tried to smile as he felt the stitches straining in his arm. Ava had quite the steady handshake. She wrapped her hand as far around Louis' hand as she could and squeezed it as she shook it up and down.

"Nice to meet you..." Louis mumbled. His mumble seemed to have offended Ava and she sighed, giving Bran a somewhat annoyed look.

"This is my husband, Faki..." She continued, gesturing to the man who had come up to Louis. He shook his hand and nodded.

"I didn't know you were dating anyone, Brannon..." Faki said. He had a vague accent that Louis couldn't quite place.

"Well, I am." Bran said and pulled Louis close to him by the waist. "We'll be going downstairs now." He announced and started walking to the stairs that lead to the basement floor.

"Brannon." Faki said. "I want to have a talk with you later..."

"Yes, baba..."

As they came up to the stairs Bran took Louis in his arms. Louis had been trying not to noticeably limp but apparently Bran had spotted him. Instead of questioning it Louis just let himself relax in Bran's arms. Thankfully, there weren't any servants around and that alone made Louis more comfortable. Bran carried him into his bedroom and threw him onto the bed. Bran's sudden shift from being gentle to rough caught Louis off guard and it sparked the fear inside of him. Louis looked at Bran as he walked over to his closet and pulled his clothes off, leaving them in the floor as he changed into something more comfortable. As Bran changed Louis couldn't help but stare. His back was tan and smooth, freckles decorated his shoulders and his torso was muscular with a thin waist and wide shoulders. The sight sent shivers down to Louis' toes and he took a deep breath as he watched Bran pulling his dark, curly hair back, away from his face. His light green eyes looked mysterious accompanied by his dark hair and skin. He was definitely an equal mix between his parents. Mother's beautiful hair, father's light eyes and a mix between their skin tones. His face was majestic. Louis could see why he was so popular in school, he was probably one of the best looking people he'd ever seen.

As Bran glanced over Louis on his bed a wicked smile spread over his face. The kind of smile that doesn't move the eyes at all, just the mouth. His lips spread into a wide, smug grin while his eyes stared at Louis just as blankly as before. Suddenly the warm fuzzy feeling Louis had been enjoying switching into a genuine stroke of fear. The way Bran looked at him felt wrong in every possible way. Louis' body was telling him to run, escape, get away from that psychopath. But Louis couldn't move. He was glued to the bed, defenceless against the tall hunched over man that was crawling up next to him.

"Wh... What're you doing..?" Louis whimpered. His limbs were trembling. "Please don't hurt me..."

Bran gently grabbed ahold of Louis' neck and turned it to the side. He stroke his thumb over the swollen mark that was left from the bite. "Why'd you let him touch you?" Bran mumbled in Louis' ear. A cold shiver crawled through him.


"Why did you let Oscar Mathews touch you?"

Louis stared wide eyed at Bran. Was he being serious? Was he blaming Louis for what happened? "I didn't want him to..." Louis whispered.

"Then why didn't you stop him?"

"I couldn't..."

"Bullshit..." Bran hissed. The tears welled up in Louis' eyes. Bran had crawled up over him and was now standing with one arm on each side of Louis' neck with his legs pressed in between Louis's. "What's the deal with you two anyway? Is he your ex boyfriend or something?"

"No..." Louis whimpered. The tears were running down into his ears as he cried under Bran. With each silent sob Bran grew more frustrated.

"Stop crying like a fucking baby..." He growled. "You're fine aren't you?" Bran bit his lip and slowly moved his hand over to Louis' neck, softly gripping it and moving his head to the side. "Just a bit swollen... you're not nearly as hurt as he is. He's in the hospital after what he did to you... you wanna know why?"

"What're you talking about..." Louis stuttered.

"Because I care about you. You're mine. I'm the only one who's allowed to touch you. If anyone else lays a hand on you I will make them regret it for the rest of their lives..." Bran sighed and kissed Louis on the forehead before laying down next to him, pulling his body close to his own and covering them with the comforter. "And if you ever touch someone else... I'll just have to show you who you belong to..." Bran whispered.

"Okay..." Louis shrieked. Bran softly bit Louis' ear and kissed it as he pulled Louis into a spooning position.


Louis stayed frozen in the bed as Bran started breathing deeply next to him. The room was cold and a window was open on the wall across from the bed. Bran had wrapped both his arm around Louis and was holding him tightly, restraining his movement to the point where he could only move his legs and hands. Louis smiled to himself when he felt Bran's warm arms around him. Bran smelled so good. Now that he was asleep Louis could finally relax. There. That was the Bran he adored so much. The calm, beautiful Bran who didn't stare blankly or threaten anyone. Louis took a deep breath and nuzzled the pillow. It smelled like Bran. With a careful, hesitant motion Louis slipped his hand into Bran's and closed his eyes.

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