Part 7: Together...Again?

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I woke and stretched my arms, hitting someone in the face. I look over and see Austin. I giggled. I forgot he was here. Hehe oops.

"Thank you for hitting me in the face, great way to wake me up" Austin teased while rubbing his cheek.

"I'm sorry!" I giggled. Which soon turned into laughing my ass off.

"Oh yeah, I can tell." He groaned. "What time is it?"


"It's so early!" He looked at me. "Can I please go back to sleep?"

"Sure, I'm not your mommy. You don't have to ask for my permission."

He just rolled his eyes and eventually drifted back off to sleep. As for me once I'm up, I'm up. I can't fall back asleep. So I hop out of bed and go into the bathroom to get a shower.

When I finished my shower I remembered my clothes were in my room! Crap! The only thing I had was my bra and underwear. So I slipped those on and wrapped a towel around myself in case Austin was awake.

I run into my room. He was asleep. Phew. I was looking through my suitcase and my towel fell, since I had undergarments on, I didn't bother to pick it up.

"Ahem." Austin cleared his throat.

I quickly grabbed my towel and my face turned so red. "I thought you were asleep!" I screeched.

"Nope, I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"Alright well I just grab my clothes and go into the bathroom."

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to change into my short white shorts, my red tank, and red surpas. When I finished I walked into my room.

"You can go get ready now!"

"Ready for what?" Austin asked confused.

"I don't know the day?"

"Oh, yeah right." He nodded his head and walked to the bathroom.

I walked into my living room and turned on the tv. A commercial for Just Dance 4 was on. That gave me a brilliant idea. I had a wii. So we could go get the game, and then bring it back here to play! I'm excited now! I ran back upstairs.

"Hey Austin!"

"Yeah gabby?"

"Wann go get Just Dance 4 and then bring it back here to play?" I questioned hoping he would say yes.

He came out of the bathroom. He smiled. "Yeah, that sounds really fun!" Then he looked at me. "Wait do you have kinect?"

"No but I have a wii."

"But it's more fun on the kinect!" He pouted.

"Fine we'll see how much the kinect is" I sound like his mom buying him something.

"Haha you sound like my mom!" Wow, did he just read my mind? "Yay! Well let's go."

We hopped into Austin's car and drove to Game Stop. I went right over to look for the kinect. I saw the price. Yeah, I can't buy that.

"Austin, the kinect is too much" I said depressed.

"I'll buy it!"

"Don't you already have a kinect?" I questioned.

"Yeah I do. But I'll buy it for YOU"

"No Austin."


"Austin I don't need one."

"......but you want one?" He smirked


"So I'm buying it." He grabs the kinect + Xbox box, and the Just Dance 4 game.

He walked over to the counter and I followed.

"That will be $450." The cashier told Austin. "Oh and buy the way you two are a very cute couple."

"You think so?" I asked.


Austin chuckled and then grabbed the bag. "thank you."

We left and hopped back into his car.

"You think so?" Austin mimicked my voice.

"Shut up Austin!" I said hitting his arm.

"Oww. Kiss it." He said pointing to his arm. Then he brought his arm close to his face. I leaned down to kiss his arm but then he moved his arm. I ended up kissing his lips. I didn't pull away and neither did he. Ahh I missed his lips.

"Gabby will you go out with me...again?" He whispered against my lips.


Sorry this part is really really short. I have just been busy with school and I have projects due. So yeah. Hope it's okay :) thanks for reading!

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