Part 26: Talk To Me, Babe.

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{Austin's POV}

I was currently freaking out. Gabby left for the hospital an hour ago and I still didn't hear anything from her. I don't even know what is going on or what could possibly be wrong with her. Dave is trying to calm me down because I go on in twenty minutes.

"Austin, Gabby obviously wanted you to continue with the concert for a reason. If you cant do it for the mahomies then do it for her." Dave said trying to soothe me. I was very nervous for this concert but I have no idea why. I don't get nervous before shows, ever.

"Five minutes until show time!" Rocco announced. He didn't know what was going on. No one did, except for Dave of course. I ran my fingers through my hair letting out a loud sigh.

I stood up and peeked out into the crowd that was currently chanting my name. AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN! The chanting calmed me down, so I guess that's good. Rocco held his hands out to me counting down to one. Five. Four. Three. Two. Well here we's show time.

"What's up MIAMI?!" I yelled as I ran onto stage. A loud scream answered my question. "How are you guys doing this afternoon?" I asked, a large scream answering once again. I tried to look my best. I tried my best to look like nothing was bothering me. I hope I was doing a good job. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?"  I asked as the music for 11:11 beamed through my ears.


I was getting ready for my last song of the night, Say You're Just A Friend, when my phone started ringing. Rocco gave me a warning look telling me not to answer it. If he knew what was going on he would've let me answer it. So I just ignored him and walked right over to my phone. I was a little disappointed when it wasn't Gabby calling, but it was my mom so maybe she could clear things up for me.

"Hello?!" I spoke to the phone anxiously.

"Austin?" My mom spoke, I could heard her sniffle in the distance. Wait, she's crying? Does that mean..?

"Gabby, mom. Where is Gabby?!" I said starting to panic. Why hadn't Gabby called me. What happened? I am supposed to be on stage right now but this is way more important.

"Austin, calm down. Gabby is fine. She is just asleep. She came back to our house and ran straight up to your room and fell asleep." I let out a breath of relief. My girl is okay.

"So then what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked still a little scared awaiting this news.

"Austin, Gabby lost the baby." She spoke so quiet, almost in a whisper. Those four words I never thought I'd hear. I swear my whole world stopped. I didn't know what to thing. I could no longer hold myself up. I fell to my knees and just couldn't think straight. "Austin are you okay?" I heard my mom on the other line again. Instead of answering her I just hung up. I told Dave to apologize to everyone and tell them something came up.

I stood up and walked towards my car. When I sat down in the car I lost it. The tears finally fell down my face. Once my tears slowed enough that I could see, I started driving towards home. I needed to be with Gabby right now. I can only imagine what emotional state she is in.

When I pulled into the driveway, I raced out of the car and into the house. Without saying anything to my mom I went straight to my room.

I opened the door slowly so I wouldn't wake her up if she was still sleeping. Once I was in, I closed the door and headed towards the bed. She was still fast asleep. She looked so peaceful except her eyes were all red and puffy, kinda like mine. I stripped off my shirt and got under the covers with her. I wrapped my arms around her and started to pull her towards me.

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