-What Felt Like The Beginning-

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-Rosalie's P.O.V.-

I awake to the sound of my alarm clock blaring into my ears. I take a deep breathe and sigh loudly while digging myself further into the bed. Why does school have to start so early? It's not like anyone will pay attention this early in the morning.

I spend a few minutes tossing and turning, debating whether it's worth going to class or not. I stretch my legs out from under the warm blanket and roll around a bit just stretching. Suddenly my phone vibrates against the surface of my desk, I slightly open my eyes. The room is lightly dim from the fairy lights I hung around the walls. I hoist myself up and yawn, I swing my legs down and as soon as my feet touch the cold marble floor, I wince. I realize my feet are sore from the heels I wore last night to the party. My mind instantly races back to the events of yesterday, the girl's face flashes across my eyes and I jump back, frightened.

The hair on the back of my neck stands and a cold sweat runs down my spine, did that really happen? Or was it the alcohol running through my system? I shake my fears away and pick myself back up. I yawn once again, distracting my thoughts and lazily walking towards my desk. I pick my phone up hesitantly, there's only one person I know who would message me this early in the morning. When I switch my phone on, the brightness blinds me for a few seconds. I squint my eyes, trying to adjust to the light. Once I can open my eyes fully, I notice a text message flash across the screen. The name reads "Sebastian" accompanied by a red heart emoji.

I smile at the name, of course it's Sebastian. I click on the message and it reads "Good morning love! I hope you're up for class today, I'll be coming by your dorm in twenty minutes. Btw- I picked up your favorite breakfast :)"

My heart races, twenty minutes? I instantly begin to panic and rush towards my closet doors. I should of known he wouldn't miss school. I'm starting to dread the idea of putting on a fake smile to please our principal's demands. A huge lump forms in my throat, will anyone dare mention yesterday's events?

I push the thought away, opening my closet doors. My small walk in closet is organized into three sections. To my right , all my uniforms are neatly hanging and to my left are my regular clothes. In the middle to the far back wall are my shoes, mockingly collecting dust on shelves. I refuse to wear anything other than my black and white converse. Our uniforms are black, with a golden crescent of our school name, "Crystal Rivers Private Educational HighSchool". I sigh, the uniforms aren't completely horrible, the boys wear the same but with khaki pants while girls can wear black skirts. I pull my T-shirt over my head to quickly change into the white button up blouse. I feel my fears creeping back up my spine, I really need to stop thinking about it. I don't dare check the time because if I do, I'll panic even more. I slip my pajama pants off and jump into some thin black tights with my black skirt over. The woman's screams echos in my memory, I quickly cover my ears. It's just a memory, it's not real. I try to calm myself down by breathing in and out slowly. I lower my hands, I wonder if Sebastian will mention it. If he doesn't I'll know it's not real but even if he doesn't, our principal warned us not to discuss it further. I button up my blouse while walking towards my desk for my makeup bag.

I rummage through the golden bag, I'll only do something "light" on my face but by light I mean using some concealer to cover the darkness under my eyes. I glance into the mirror, my side braid is frizzy so I remove the rubber brand and run my fingers through my long dark brown hair. Light waves are formed in my hair so I tease it a bit. The good thing is, I don't have to put too much effort into my hair. I take a long minute just staring at my face through the mirror, I lightly trace my concealer under my eyes and smoothly blend it out with my fingers. I pick my mascara up and run it through my lashes, I want to look alive or at least somewhat awake. My caramel brown eyes brighten with the mascara, I smile or at least try to form a smile. A faint knock on the door snaps me out my concentration , I quickly glance into the mirror reviewing my face and outfit. I run over to my closet and grab my suit jacket, backpack and phone. maybe I should try to convince Sebastian to stay in. We could skip a full day of classes, we both have perfect attendance, it'll be better than faking a smile. I hold my chest with my left hand while strolling towards the door, I turn the door knob slowly and pull it open. I'm greeted with a wide perfect smile and mesmerizing green eyes. I instantly smile at the sight, this time it's a genuine smile, if only it could last the full day. I stand on the tips of my toes and kiss him on the lips, "Good morning" I whisper.

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