chapter 6

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thanks to you who commented this chapter is thanks to @RaizlLucianoHamato (sorry if i spelled it wrong)

Donnie P.O.V.

"Guys! I'm here! Whats the emergency?" 

"April! Thank goodness your here! We are out of pizza!" 

Mikey exclaimed which was followed by a scream. I rushed out of my lab to see what was wrong. April held Elsa with a spare katana at her throat. 

"Who are you and how did you find this place?" 

She demanded. I couldn't help but dreamily sigh at her commanding voice. Leo looked at me and rolled his eyes. 

"Uh, Leo! A little help here! There is a deranged redhead holding me captive!" 

Elsa yelled panicked.  Leo jumped forward and tried to get April to release the death grip she had on Elsa, but no amount of words seemed to convince her it was us. 

"OK! That's it! Release me right now or I will be forced to use extreme measures!" 

Elsa threatened. 

"I don't take orders from you!" 

April said to proud for her own good.  Elsa narrowed her eyes enraged that she was still being held. Her hands started to form frost, she moved her hand, as if she was throwing confetti in the air, towards April. She immediately let her go and jumped back holding the hand that had got it with Elsa's ice. Leo ran to her making sure the katana that was at her throat hadn't hurt her. She smirked victoriously as I stood in shock, when I snapped out of it I went to make sure April was ok.

"Stay back!"

[Sigh] she still didn't trust us. I had an idea. I went up to her and whispered something in her ear that only she and I knew.  She looked at me and started apoligizing once she realized it was us. 

I walked back to the lab with my head down. Repunzal followed trying to cheer me up, but I just waved her off and worked on getting us back to normal. 

"Ah ha!!!"

I shouted overjoyed that I had finished it and we could return back to normal. I wonder if the girls will still like us or not...

I called my brothers in here and changed us back. ah how I missed being a turtle, but I think Mikey missed it the most since when Raph was trying to get him he could hide in his shell. We went out to the kitchen where all the girls were talking to April. They looked over at us and gasp not moving. April had an amused look on her face when she saw there reactions, but not for long. Ariel smiled, stood up and ran over and hugged Mikey, fussing over how cute he looked as a turtle. Then Elsa got up and went over to Leo and Repunzal and Merida got up and came to Raph and I at the same time and we all started chatting like nothing had happened. 

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