Chapter 7

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Rapunzel POV

I woke up on the couch looking aroun trying to remember what happened...


"So being a turtle can you go in your shell and everything?" I asked Donnie when he was working on getting us back home. He looked up at my question and started laughing. I blushed looking down. "Well being abnormal turtles doesn't help us fit in our shells much but Mickey has figured it out." he smiled. "Can I help with your project?" I was hoping to get back soon before my mom found out, I didn't want to get in trouble... "Hand it to me?" I looked confused. "what?" He chuckled. "I said you know the welder? Can you hand it to me?" "Oh. Sure." We worked on the project till I heard a sheik. I looked at Donnie and we raced towards the cry Ariel was hiding behind Leo who was holding back Mikey from Casey. (I spelled that right didn't i?) "What the shell are you doing?" Raph asked looking ticked off about something, as usual. "He was flirting with Ariel and then he tried to make a move on her when she CLEARLY wasn't interested. So I punched him she shrieked and we started fighting till Leo interrupted me kicking his shell!" Mikey exclaimed unhappily while glaring at Casey. "Fyi I don't have a shell dimwit." Casey smirked. "Oh that's it your dead Jones!" Mikey broke away from Leo and tackled Casey. Donnie and Raph stepped in to drag them apart, I was trying to stop Leo's nose (beak?) from bleeding like it was. "Well that was interesting." I said to Leo. He laughed and walked to where Ariel was talking to her to see if she was ok. I went to check on Mikey next. After I was done, on my way to te lab I heard Casey call out to me; "aren't you going to check on me?" He asked smirking and looking at me in an uncomfortable way. I Wales over to him and started to stitch the cut on his eyebrow where Mikey had punched him. All the while he stared at me, I worked quickly and didn't do everything I could have. After that I went to the lab and told him I wanted to talk to him. "So we are best friends and I can tell you anything right?" He nodded and motioned for me to continue. "Well... I don't like Casey being around. He makes us, all of the girls, uncomfortable and I got voted the one to tell you so I am. I also wanted to know when I could go home?" He pondered what I said. "Makes sense what your saying, I will talk to Raph and maybe Merida can say something to him about it also since it's his friend. But." he faltered with his words and sadly said; "I think sometime next week it will be ready so don't worry it will be ready soon. Maybe a little to soon.". He said the last part under his breath but I still heard him. I looked at him and suggested a movie marathon with popcorn and candy tonight, he agreed and I waited for tonight.

~~~~~~~end flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

Well that explains why I am on the couch but where is Donnie? I wondered to myself. Maybe he got up already and went to work on an experiment. I yawned and walked to my room to get some more sleep before I had to get up for real....

Oh my god am i tired. ugh I just wanna sleep sorry it was short but I am literally typing while falling asleep and I think I will continue it but I don't know how long it will be so don't expect it to be a 29 chapter book just cus I said I would continue. anyways I'm going to sleep. Night!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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