Escaping Responsibilities: Walk the Walk

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For a day, Adalyn and Luis hiked the mountain and valley until they reached the borderlines of Arran and Finadara. As they meet the vast lands of Finadara, Luis turns to face Adalyn whose pants are a bit tattered because of the Thorn bushes along the way.

"It's a surprise that a noble Lady was able to climb a mountain and didn't even cry out once during the climb." Luis praise at the sweat dripping Adalyn. "If you keep that annoying smile on your face for any longer, I'll seriously deduct your salary for next month." Adalyn threatens in between her breaths.

"Alright, alright. I'll be quiet but we better go and find an inn now. You really need a bath." Luis's nose wrinkles at the odor that Adalyn is giving off. "I thought you said that you'll be quiet." Adalyn grumbles at her companion.

"Did I? Must've forgotten because of your stench." Luis mocks which only earned a glare in response from Adalyn. 'This boy, since when did he became a bully?' Adalyn cries inwardly, seeing her once shy kid now insulting her in every turn.

"That'll be 10 silver coins for two rooms." A fat blonde lady behind the counter says as she puffs smoke at Adalyn and Luis.

"Thank you, Adalyn let's go." Luis immediately ushers the dirty looking Adalyn to their rooms. The floorboards creak at the weight of two and Adalyn has to stop herself from running to the end of the hall.

"Here's your room key. I'm just 2 rooms away from you so if anything happens just scream and I'll be right over." Luis says while looking at Adalyn straight in her sunken eyes, Adalyn replies with a nod and snatches her key room from Luis. As soon as Adalyn enters the room, she goes straight to finally take her long awaited bath.

After a day of rest, Adalyn and Luis set out to tour the kingdom of Finadara. Hopping from one stall to another, they finally settled down in a pastry shop with bags full of herbs.

"Lady Adalyn! Why would you buy so much plants!?" Whines a tired Luis as he slouch on his chair. Adalyn sighs at the lack of knowledge her disciple has.

"First off these are not called plants, they're herbs and second these things can't be found anywhere else but here in Finadara." Adalyn's explains while she sips her cup of tea. 'I really miss the taste of coffee.' Adalyn thinks after she swallows the minty taste.

"This place sure is lively." Adalyn starts as she stares at the healthy children playing around the streets.

"Yeah." Luis dully replies.

"Ever wonder if our village could be like that?" Adalyn asks, her gaze remains fixated to the children.

"I know it will." Luis answers confidently which made Adalyn chuckles at Luis's words.

"You sound so sure that it scares me."

"Well, if it's you Lady Adalyn I'm sure you could turn our village like this." Luis says rather genuinely and Adalyn smiles at the comforting words he said.

"Well come on it's time to spoil you today!" Adalyn exclaims and Luis can only look at her with confused eyes.

"What?" Was the only word that came out of Luis's mouth. Adalyn smiles a bigger one at the lost face of Luis.

"What else? Let's buy you things! I haven't given you any welcome gift yet." Adalyn explains, already dragging the poor Luis behind.

"Lady Adalyn!" Luis screech as he tries to pry his wrist away from her grip.

"Lady Adalyn can we please go back to our inn? It's already late and we still need to meet up with the merchants tomorrow." Luis reasons with a serious Adalyn.

"No way! I won't stop until you choose to buy atleast one thing!" Adalyn cries and Luis sighs at how childish his Lady can be around him. As he takes a look around the stalls, he spots a rusty ring with a weird emerald shape. Unconsciously, he takes the ring and looks at it under the moonlight. Luis smiles at the color and even if the shank (the actual ring) is rusted, it still looks exceedingly beautiful in his eyes.

"You like that?" Adalyn asks as she peeks over his small figure. Luis's eyes never left the ring and he lightly traces the ring with his skinny fingers.

"Yes." Luis unconsciously breathe out.

"Mister, how much for this ring?" Adalyn asks the shopkeeper who was just snoring soundly a while ago.

"Why, it's just 3 silver coins young Lady!" The man cheerfully says.

"I'll take it." Adalyn hands out 3 silver coins to the shopkeeper's  palm. Luis who was busy admiring the ring snaps out of his daze and immediately puts down the ring.

"Lady Adalyn, there's no need for you to buy me this!" Luis blurts.

"Too late! I already gave my money so the leat you could do is accept it." Adalyn teases with a warm smile. Luis just smiles back at his Lady's kindness. "Speaking of, why did you choose that one? Oh I bet it's because the emerald reminds you of my eye color, right?" Adalyn questions quite haughtily.

"No Lady Adalyn, this color reminded me of my Mother." Luis answers truthfully which earned a sad pout from Adalyn, "Did you know that she loves to go outside and we would always play in the green forest. We would climb trees after trees and go hunt for wild rabbits. Everyday was blissful; I had a home to got to but..." Luis trails off softly. Adalyn seeing his eyes cloud with grief reminded her of her old self, back when she got depressed about her Mother's death. Wanting to share Luis's pain, Adalyn holds onto the clenched hands of Luis.

"... You know, there was also a time where I felt that everything was taken away from me. My joy. My smile. My reason for living... But you know what I've learned?" Adalyn asks to the attentive Luis.


"Beautiful people can never be forgotten." A longing look is seen on Adalyn's face and Luis has to stop himself from asking, "That's why those memories of yours must always be cherished. Never forget even if it hurts, take it from me Luis." Adalyn says with a sad smile.

Silence remained until Luis once again speaks, "Lady Adalyn do you think I could ever find a home like that again?" Adalyn hums at the question.

"I don't know. You might find one or not but what is sure is that my home will always welcome you." Adalyn replies, quite unsure if what she said is the right thing or not but still went for it. Luis smile at her words.

"You're good with comforting a person Lady Adalyn. You could become a counselor if you want." Luis tease, shifting back to his old playful self.

"I am not! I just empathized with you." Adalyn states at the laughing Luis.

"Well, I guess I could consider this home for awhile." Luis whispers as memories of his good life started by just taking Adalyn's warm hand.

The ring

The ring

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