The Fine Art of Surviving

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"I want to learn how to swordfight." Adalyn announces which made the 4 brothers cough on their food while Desmond raises one of his perfectly carved eyebrows at her proclamation. "Why would want to learn how to wield a sword?" Desmond asks first since the rest of the brothers are still shocked to hear these words come out of Adalyn's mouth.

"Because I want to defend myself." Adalyn simply states, "But Little Lyn, you have 12 brothers to protect you! You don't need to harm your delicate hands for that reason." Weston reasons but Adalyn shakes her head, "I am very much aware of all your potentials and capabilities but I don't want to be a nuisance! If there comes a time where I am held as hostage, I want to protect to myself and I don't want to rely on others too much. That's why I want to learn how to wield a sword."

"You do make a good point there, lass. Normally, I would be the one teaching you but sadly the council needs me to make an appearance in the meeting tomorrow."

"Then would you approve of me supervising Lynie?" Dylan, the 2nd son, joins in. His face is resting against  his palm, showing off an aura of boredom but his gleaming eye shows that he is more than happy to teach Adalyn how to protect herself. Well, he was the one who always recommended the idea but the old her never took his words at heart instead she focused more on how to look slimmer.

"Isn't your specialty using guns?" Lux eyes his older brother, aware where this is going already. "Yes that's why I'll teach her how to handle a gun!" Exclaims a smiling Dylan, "No absolutely not." Emyr immediately rejects which caused the shining Adalyn to gloom.

"Why would you reject the offer Emyr?" Desmond asks as he pops one of the grapes into his mouth, "Grandfather you know that it is impossible for a woman to even hold a gun. If the women who uses a sword can't even control the force of the gun then Adalyn sure can't either." Emyr points out.

"Then she'll need to prove it us. When I come back for Autumn, I expect to see Adalyn lift up a gun and if possible shoot within the range of 50 meters."

"But, but Grandfather!" Emyr stands from his chair but Desmond rebukes him by waving his hand and turns to Adalyn who looks excited like a child on Christmas.

"Adalyn." Desmond's stern voice made Adalyn snap out of her excited trance, "Ye-yes!?" She jumps. "I expect you to do what you are told and no using the greenhouse during your break, got it?" Although she wants to object about the greenhouse part, she obediently nods her head and regretfully says yes.

"Well that concludes today's family discussion, now if you'll excuse me I'll prepare Adalyn's attire. Meet me in the backyard after you finish, alright Adalyn!?"

"Ri-right!" She stammers a bit at the never before seen energetic attitude of Dylan. In a flash Dylan is already out the door, leaving a group of angry brothers, a smiling Desmond, and a very confused Adalyn behind.

-- after breakfast --

Adalyn and Dylan are seen in the empty training grounds after the other brothers had to go back to the main house where their Father is waiting. Dylan stayed behind since he needs to train Adalyn and also because he wants to spend more time with her than the his brothers did.

"First things first, you need to build up just a bit of muscle." Dylan says while looking poorly at Adalyn's slender arms, "Why? What's wrong with my muscles?" Asks Adalyn as she analyzes her arms.

"Well, I usually say that you'll need to build it more but in your case it's non-existent-" Adalyn scowls "-that's why we'll start off with sit-ups. Now on the ground and do 20 sit-ups stat!" Dylan instructs with his commando voice and the flustered Adalyn can't do anything but follow.

Adalyn is already in her 5th sit-up but she could feel her arms wriggle underneath her. With one last bit of her strength she manages to collapse by the 6th count.

"Huh, I guess we still need to work on your stamina." Dylan mutters with a gasping Adalyn on the ground.

"You think!?" Adalyn shouts at him but did not receive any response from him.

After 2 hours of excruciating workout, Dylan lets Adalyn take a rest for the day. Adalyn is ready to fall into her bed without bothering to take a bath or change her clothes.

The soft feeling of the matress somewhat calmed her tense muscles. With the gift of silence, Adalyn thought deeply.

A bit bothered by her lack of strength, Adalyn can't help but feel dejected and question herself whether she should continue practicing or not. Before Adalyn could further think about her decision, Marie and the other maids barge into her room.

"My Lady, this is no time to be lazing around! You have visitors!" Adalyn sprang up from her bed and was about to question them but before a word could come out of her mouth, Marie drags her to her vanity room.

"What is going Marie?" Adalyn asks with a scowl on her face. All the servants know that Adalyn is not to be disturbed when resting yet why is Marie now putting make up on her face and spraying cologne all over her?

"Marie!" Adalyn grabs hold of Marie's hand, her face annoyed because of how Marie ignored her Mistress's questions. Noticing Adalyn's annoyed face and voice, she turns away from her Mistress's face with a troubled look that blossoms.

"My Lady, Miss Victoria and Prince Elliot are waiting for you in the pavilion."


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