Working non-stop

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*Luis on top

"Lady Adalyn are you still working on that medicine?" A lively young boy jumps which made Adalyn squeal in surprise. "Luis! I told you not to scare me like that!" Adalyn angrily pouts at the giggling black haired cutie.

"Forgive me, Miss Adalyn." Luis apologizes but his face tells that he isn't a single bit sorry for what he did. Huffing for knowing that his laughing smile contradicts to what he just said earlier, Adalyn turns to face her experiment.

"You're looking quite lively these days." Adalyn comments without taking her eyes off her study. "Yes and it's all thanks to Miss Adalyn for saving me." Luis says with a knowing smile which Adalyn didn't see.

"I know you regard me as your Savior but there's no need for you to dedicate your entire life to me. You have your own path to make, don't just throw it away for me." Adalyn lectures when she vaguely remembers his promise to stay with her till death, after hearing his Miss say these he frowns 'It is my choice to serve the young Miss. Do I look that unreliable because of my age?' Luis ponders sadly.

"I know that Miss but you saving my life is not just the reason why I want to stay in this household," Luis lies through his teeth, he truly wants to leave this damn village since every where he looks bad memories always resurfaces, "I also want to learn medicine." Luis finishes his lies.

"Oh?" Adalyn's ears perks up in interest. 'Will he be my first junior in this life?' she wonders as she eyes him. After a minute or so, Adalyn nods her head and cave in accepting Luis as her first disciple, oblivious that his reason is only to stay with her.

Luis smiles brightly at Adalyn but before he could celebrate, Adalyn turns to him and reminds, "But you won't be anywhere near my clinic just yet, I still need you to help me manage the crops and the herd and after that I will start tutoring you about medicine." Luis agrees to her condition, "Then let's go to the farm, we'll need to check on their progress." Adalyn stands from her chair and walks away with Luis trailing behind.

Adalyn and Luis arrive at the farm after a mob of joyful villagers came and thanked Adalyn for helping rebuild their houses and curing many people. After sometime of accepting their gifts and praises, they finally arrived at the red farm where a woman in her 80s came out, huffing as she tries to walk down the short flight of stairs.

"Lady Adalyn, I welcome you into my home!" The woman greets happily and smiles at the two figures who are now by her side, supporting her weight. "Granny Lynn please don't push yourself just to greet me." Adalyn scold her gently, worried about her frail health.

"Lady Adalyn I only came out of the house on my own will." Lynn reassures, waving their concerns aside and walks toward the direction of the crops.

"You are here to check on the plantation and domestication, correct?" Lynn asks as she squints to protect her eyes from the sun, "I am, Granny." Adalyn mutters as she uses her body to block the sunlight to make Lynn more comfortable.

"Well you are free to look around as it is yours. I will be inside waiting with some tea." Lynn announces, "Thank you. Luis, you stay with Granny Lynn I want to look around alone." Adalyn turns to see Luis obediently follows her command and leads Lynn back to her farm.

Adalyn glides through the plantation of coffee trees very gracefully that the animals around can't help but stare.

The Duke's land is very fertile and due to that, this place is blessed with coffee trees but sadly the people does not know how to process the beans that is why they cannot sell these coffee beans, in the first place. The bitter taste of these beans made the town incapable of trading.

When Adalyn first recommended to cultivate the land to expand the plantation, Desmond was very wary but did not hinder her from continuing it. 'The cherries (AN: Cherries are the seeds of coffee) are looking good and this half of the plantation is ready for harvest. I'll start telling them tomorrow.' Adalyn thinks as she smells the strong fragrance of the beans.

After some time of wandering around the plantation, she quickly heads to the herd of alpacas. In this world alpacas are common to be seen in the Duke's land and because of that Adalyn used this opportunity to make best quality clothes which will definitely beat silk.

Adalyn sighs in content since a month ago, the wool has already been sheared and Adalyn is currently instructing seamstresses across the land how to make fine cloth using the wool.

Feeling, proud and excited about her business Adalyn went inside t drink tea and have a calm conversation with the two people waiting for her.

-- back in the mansion --

The beautiful Lady of the household sighs, feeling tired after checking up on all progress of her project. "Everything is going as planned all I need right now is a good nap." Adalyn mutters as she walks to her room in a daze.

"Adalyn, child~! The heavens must be on our side today!" Desmond rejoices, making the tired Adalyn jump to her feet, seriously what is up with people scaring her today?

"Really? Why is that, Grandpa?" Adalyn asks barely sparing him a glance but Desmond paid it no mind, "Well, your brothers are coming tomorrow!"

"What!? Big brothers are really coming?" Adalyn brightens at the thought of her brother's finally visiting her after 6 long years but she then remembers that when they do meet her fiancee is also with them only to embarrass her in front of all them.

Just the thought of her jerk of a fiancee coming over, she can't help but bite her nails in anguish. Back when she didn't regain her memories, he always ignore her and her efforts to help him become the Crown Prince. Sadly, now that she knows that he will just leave her alone in her darkest moments and just watch her die in pain causes Adalyn's heart to be torn apart very painfully.

"Adalyn? Lass? Adalyn, you alright?" Desmond asks, horrified with the distorted expression on her Granddaughter. "Hmm? Yeah I'm alright." Adalyn mumbles as she flashes Desmond a reassuring smile but her dark and hateful eyes couldn't be hidden. Desmond, however, can't do anything but watch Adalyn run to her room.

"That child... I wonder what traumatized her so much that she had those look on her eyes." Desmond mumbles to himself as he felt the weight of disappointment in failing to protect her Granddaughter.

Adalyn's figure can be seen illuminated by the moonlight that barely touched her sandals, her trembling slouched figure is hidden behind the closed doors of her room. "Why am I so afraid?"

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