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Marinette: Nine gold diggers, take two. Common... A and B common mark. Mark.

The LCS girls are walking to the library

Lila: No.

Chloe: How could that happen?

Sabrina: Hell no!

Dancing place

Plagg and Marinette are dancing on the dance machine like they're playing guitars.

Plagg and Marinette drive away with Marinette going "WHOO!"

Marinette tries to act as a pirate but trips and laughs.

At Marinette's and Plagg's birthday PAR-TAY!

Plagg dress up as Chat Noir: Who am I?

Marinette dressed as LadyBug: A total Comic-con dork?

Both: Hey.

At Adrien's PAR-TAY

Plagg: Check it out


RANDOM PERSON #2: Oh, my...

Rose and Julieka are kissing.

Alya and Nino: Yearbook! Yeah!

Chloe to Mari: I'll make out with you.

Marinette grossed out (Like who would make out with Chloe *gags in the back-ground*):

So... sweet of you. I'm okay, though. Thank you.

At the Agreste house

Plagg sprays Marinette with water while recording her with his phone.

Marinette: Oh, you're dead!

Marinette tries to get him but slips on the water.

Marinette and Plagg are dancing again

Marinette leans on Adrien's door then falls onto the ground to see Adrien quickly putting on boxers.

Mari: Oh, wait! Agreste wears Chat Noir boxers?

Marinette: Look! You're blushing! How cute!

Adrien: First of all, if you mention this to anyone, and I mean anyone...

Marinette: Kissing booth.

She smirks.

Adrien: What? I save you, and now you're trying to blackmail me.

Marinette: Oh, come on. Sounds so tawdry when you put it that way, but yes, definitely.

Adrien: Out!

Marinette: Okay. I'm going.

Marinette's place. Adrien and Marinette are making out.

Bridgette: Marinette?

Marinette: It's Bridgette!

Then they both hide in the wardrobe hiding from Bridgette.

Bridgette: Marinette?

Bridgette climbs onto the bed and jumps on it then passes gas. Adrien and Marinette covered their noses as Bridgette is using her perfume.

At Adrien's PAR-TAY again.

Marinette is playing Ultimate Mecha Strike III and keeps on beating everyone.

Marinette: Boom! I got you! In your face!

Then she distracts the next person and wins.

RANDOM PERSON: You can't do that!

Marinette very loudly: What?!

Prom Night

Marinette in her dress sees her new car.

Bridgette: It's a 1995 Ford Probe!

Marinette: Oh, my God!

Tom: You like it?

Marinette: Are you crazy, Dad? I love it!

Dancing Place AGAIN

Marinette hops onto Plagg's back.

Back to Prom Night

Tom: Good, now you can take Miss. Stinks-a-lot to ballet practice.

Bridgette: Hey, I don't stink that bad!

Marinette and Tom start to laugh

In the school Hall

Marinette and Plagg were dancing

Plagg and Mari: Disco rules!

They noticed some people and act like they were acting normal.

At The Carnival

Tikki had just won a game

Tikki: Oh, my God! I won!

Tikki carries a HUGE teddy bear over to Plagg and Marinette

Plagg: Do you think you could maybe get a ride home with somebody else? I think she might even let me play with her boobies later.

Marinette: You're picking boobies over my awesomeness?

Plagg: Boobies. My answer is always gonna be boobies.

In Plagg's room

Hung over Marinette and Plagg are in there looking at some pitcures from the night before

Plagg: My new screen saver. I'm just not really sure if I like that one more or that one. So appealing in their own way. Don't you think?

Plagg showed Marinette pictures of her vomiting into the toilet then her on the floor.

Marinette: Oh, God! I can't look any more.

On the Road

Marinette and Adrien are riding his motor-bike in the rain

Adrien: I know what room you're in, Vince!

Plagg and Marinette are dancing again

Marinette's room

Mari is dancing around, in her towel, singing into her hairbrush

Marinette: Ten Beastmode. Ready?

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