47. Three Motherless Cubs

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Vitani and Kovu followed close behind Nuka as he led them back towards the hill where the tragic event took place. Kovu was actually afraid of what he might see, he didn't know if he prepared for something like this. As for Vitani sure of one thing as she continued forward: She wouldn't believe it until she saw it with her own eyes.

A few more steps and Nuka stopped at the pile of rocks. "Here she is", he pointed with his paw. He didn't want to see the it all again. Vitani and Kovu followed where he pointed, keeping close to one another. Sure enough they came upon it. Zira's body splayed and broken against the rocks. The sight made Kovu's blood run cold, he had no idea what to do. Vitani stared at her mother's body. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she didn't want them to fall. She didn't want her mother to see that she was weak.

"How did this happen?", Vitani asked, a venom in her voice.

"It doesn't matter", Nuka spoke up, coming to join his siblings.

"Of course it does! Our mother is dead! We have to find the one responsible!", Vitani insisted.

"No, Vitani. No more fighting. There's been enough of that today", Nuka stood firm against his sister. He knew that he was no match for her, but he had to take a stand anyway.

"That doesn't matter! Look at her! This happened to her because someone--"

"This happened to her because she was tried to climb up a rocky hill and fell to her death!", Nuka snarled. "And the only reason that happened is because she was obsessed! Our mother was a crazy lioness who was hellbent on getting revenge on Simba because he banished her! Banished her for what she did!"

"Nuka...", Kovu tried to but in, but his brother continued.

"All she ever cared about was revenge and herself. She put it over her own cubs, Vitani. We weren't raised like normal cubs. We were raised to be weapons for her! We're hardly normal now!", Nuka ranted. "She was a crazy, violent, and horrible..."

"But she was our mother", Kovu said calmly.

"I know she wasn't the greatest, but she did believe in us", Vitani justified.

"Well, you at least", Nuka grumbled. "Everything you and Kovu did was perfect, but I.....I was never good enough for her."

Kovu gave a deep sigh and decided to admit what he was thinking. "Well, mother did put a lot of pressure on us. I mean she raised me solely to kill the King! We never had a choice in what we wanted to do. That's why I had to leave..."

"But...", Vitani wanted to argue a good point, but nothing came to mind. She wanted desperately to frame her mother in a good light.

Nuka saw his sister stammering and scoffed to himself, of course she was trying to make excuses for their mother. After all, Vitani was treated the best their mother.

"But Vitani is right", Kovu spoke up again. "Despite it all....she is our mother."

Vitani and Nuka looked at each other. "Uh, look. Vitani I don't know how you feel about this. I can't know. Mother treated the two of us completely different. So you must feel completely different about her. I'm sorry."

"But Nuka, you're right. She did treat us all different. I know she isn't the best, but I still want to mourn her. I mean she wasn't always like this", Vitani sighed.

"Yeah....", Nuka said wistfully.

In the heart of the Pridelands Rafiki and Makini were hard at work patching up animals that were rushed to them. Despite the fight being a war Rafiki and Maikini extended their help to both Pridelanders and Outlanders. The rest of the Lion Guard was assisting the two in any way they could. Rafiki was having a bit of trouble with his patient while Makini was surprised by the patient she was brought.

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