16. Defending Your Love

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Kion, Bunga and Kiara returned to the rest of the army. Luckily for them nobody questioned where they all went. Kion and Bunga returned to the Guard.

"Where were you two?", Fuli asked them.

Bunga scratched the back of his head. "Ah, well. We ran into Kiara and lost track of time".

"But don't worry everything's fine now", Kion added. I hope.

"Well I'm glad that's done, but I wonder where Ono is", Beshte thought aloud.

"Well he is watching out for any tricks the Outlanders might try to pull on us", Fuli pointed out. "If anything is wrong he'll come back and we'll be ready".

"Like we always are!", Kion encouraged. But in his mind he thought of what Fuli said. Kovu just walked his way into the Pride Lands and we haven't heard anything from Ono or Zazu...Where are they?

"Kion? Can I talk to you one more time?", Kiara came in and addressed her brother. Kion looked back to his Guard and back to Kiara. "Yeah. Guys I'll be right back". Both felines walked side by side a but of a distance away from everyone else.

"I gave Kovu the signal he's going to be here any minute. We already know how things are going to go... Just...Help me out where things go south", Kiara pleaded to her younger brother.

"Of course. Don't worry, Kiara. I know how much you care about Kovu. We're in this together. I'll admit I don't think I can come clean yet. But I will Kovu. Plus he's actually a pretty cool guy. Why didn't you let us meet sooner?", Kion teased.

"Well, you know. I was scared to death and didn't know who I could tell. But I guess I'm not the only one", Kiara smiled warmly.

"Don't worry. We got this", Kion nodded to his sister.

As soon as their conversation was done they both saw Kovu making their way up the trail. The dark brown lion casually strolled to open area full of Pride Landers. In this moment no one ever noticed that he was there. Kovu clears his throat, "I've come to speak with your King!". Almost immediately he surrounded in a circle by lioness. Closed off on all sides anytime Kovu would move a lioness would swipe at him to keep him in the center.

"Please leave him alone! He isn't a threat!", Kiara pleaded over the noise of snarling lionesses, but it wasn't heard over all the noise. She couldn't even wedge her way through as lionesses pushed her out, thinking they were protecting her from the Outland intruder. A roar sounded above them all, stopping all the commotion. Everyone stood still as Simba saw seen standing tall on top of a rock looking at everyone.

"What is he doing here?", Simba scornfully. He jumped from the rocks and the lioness broke away for him to walk up to Kovu.

"What are you doing here?", Simba asked coldly. Some lioness still surrounded Kovu so he could not escape from the King.

Kovu bowed respectfully. "I have been sent to deliver a message to you from the leader of the Outlands army: The War begins now.", Kovu said plainly. When those words were uttered many of the Pride Landers started to murmur in surprise and concern.

Simba silenced the surrounding Pride Landers with a wave of his paw. "We have your message you can leave now", Simba simply said. Lionesses began to herd Kovu back in the direction he came. "Leave our lands and do not return", Simba called to him.

Kovu walked back towards the path. The lioness had let him walking alone. Anyone would be a complete fol to oppose with the whole Pride Lands right there behind them. The lion's mission was complete there was really no reason to stay. He should return home and gather with his comrades to prepare for battle. But a nagging, heavy feeling started to weigh on him. A war is going to start no matter what I do now. What was the point of me coming here then? Kopa looked around to the angry faces of the many animals who were against the Outlands. His eyes fell upon Kiara, looking at him with forlorn eyes. The pang in his chest became worse. I have to fight against her. I will have to watch the others try and hurt her. But...I can't let that happen. I won't!

Zuka Zama Part II: The Scourge of Kopa | The Lion GuardUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum