32. Conflicts of the Mind

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Timon, Pumbaa and Bunga stood in shock as they watched the two sides charge at each other once again. But it was different from the first time they clashed now it seemed....more chaotic, less organized. Bunga regained his focus and was more determined to help Kion out with the fight more than ever. 

"I gotta get up there!", Bunga growled to himself in frustration. He had no idea what was going on, but what he did now was that Kion needs his help right now. 

"I don't know if you can, Bunga. That looks like a lot of fighting", Pumbaa mused. 

"I don't know what just happened, but they all look like they're out for blood this time", Timon warned as well. 

"I don't care about that! I gotta help Kion!", Bunga stressed. 

"Bunga! Wait--", Timon cried out. 

The honey badger ignored the meerkat's voice and prepared to dart off on his own. 


During all the chaos and confusion around them, Kion and Kopa ducked back. Kopa had to get as much distance from the King as he could. Just thinking about him made the leader wince. As Kopa and Kion retreated he continued to think about it. Something about seeing Simba made him lose himself. He would stop thinking rationally and he would just start to ramble on and on. It frustrated him to no end; how can he lead an army if he can't even keep calm when looked at by some lion? Kopa pushed those thoughts away and let out a deep sigh. 

"There you are!", Kopa's attention turned to Changamoto.

"How are things going, Changa? Be honest with me", Kopa said in a slight downtrodden tone. Changamoto awkwardly looked to the side to see Kion just standing there with a glazed look in his eyes. 

"Uh, well. The Pridelanders are still standing strong and a lot of our numbers are out of commission. But you planned for that too, right?", the hyena summarized. 

"Yeah, I did", Kopa sighed, letting his shoulders relax. He took on the casual tone he always did when he talked with Changa. Whenever she was around he felt like he didn't have to be some larger than life war leader. He can just be himself, even if just for a moment. "But don't worry about it. I got the Roar now. We're gonna do this together."

Changa felt her heart skip a beat at those words, combined woth the way that Kopa looked at her. This was the Kopa she loved; the relaxed, gentle, kindhearted lion she got to know him as. "I know we're in the middle of a war and all. But I wish this moment would last forever", the hyena accidentally out loud. Those words were meant for her alone, reluctantly she raised her head to meet Kopa's gaze only to see he was smiling at her. 

"Me too", that was all the lion said, looking out to the fighting taking place some distance away from them. 

"So what are you gonna do now?", Changa asked. It seemed as if Kopa had truly accounted for everything. Was there even anything left to do?

"Well, I have the Roar now. But I'm not gonna use it right away. I wanna give them a chance", Kopa insisted. He now had this incredible power at his disposal But should he just use it right away and blow all the  Pridelanders away? No, he didn't feel that something like that was right. 

"To surrender?", Changamoto asked. 

"Enough blood has been spilled", the lion shook his head and stared at his paws. "What that jackal said...That they're down there killing each other..." Kopa frowned and sighed once again, hanging his head. 

"Kopa?", the hyena asked, taking a step forward. 

"We're doing the right thing here. Aren't we?", Kopa asked, not looking back at her. "Please be honest with me." Kopa had no idea why he was suddenly thinking this way. This is what had to be done, right? 

Zuka Zama Part II: The Scourge of Kopa | The Lion GuardWhere stories live. Discover now