1. Preparing For Battle

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As the sun was rising, spreading it's light across the Pride Lands, most of the Pride was already awake. The day of the invasion was upon them. Below on the fields in front of Pride Rock, Nala and Simba were organizing the lioness and doing some quick preparations for combat.

In the cave of Pride Rock sat Bunga, standing guard over his best friend and mate, Kion. On the night after the incident Bunga could hardly sleep, seeing the image of Kion almost bleed out flash in his mind. He woke up frequently throughout the night, listening desperatley for the steady breathing of the lion. He had been asleep for a while now, but Bunga was prepared to defend him in case someone was out there trying to finish Kion off, which he was certain someone was.

Kion tossed slightly in his sleep, causing the honey badger to watch intently, looking for any signs of pain on his face. He knew that the invasion of the Outlands was very soon, but he wanted Kion to stay out of it. But knowing Kion, as soon as he would wake up he would try and join the ranks of his fellow lion's.

Maybe I can talk him out it. Maybe he'll sleep through the fight... Yeah. But there will be a lot of hyenas trying to get to him. Whatever. I'll defend him from anyone or anything that will try to hurt him, he assured himself.

Bunga was about to check on Kion again when he heard a sound from the entrance of the cave. Someone was approaching! Instantly, Bunga stalked across the stone floor, quietly as the bulky badger could. Now it wasn't just one sound of footsteps, but now sounded like more were joining.

The honey badger was on edge, preparing to pounce on the intruders, the image of hyenas or jackals somehow making their way up here.

Bunching his shoulder muscles, he waited for the exact moment. There! Without a moment's notice Bunga jumped at the foe.

"What the--?! Bunga! Let me go! Its me, Fuli!", Bunga took a moment to look up at the cheetah, now winching in pain as Bunga was clinging onto her leg, slightly digging his claws in.

Bunga immediately let go, a hot wave of embarrassment heating his fur. "Hehe, sorry. I thought someone was coming to attack Kion"

"Well... Uh, how is he?", Fuli asked, her tone now softening. Bunga motioned over to the far wall of the cave where Kion was still asleep.

"I don't really know. He's been asleep for a pretty long time. I've been checking for his breathing through the night", Bunga admitted. Fuli didn't say anything as she stared at the team leader.

Bunga's attention was brought to the cave entrance once again as Betshe was breathing heavily from making his way up the steep rock formation.

"S-sorry. Took me a while to get up here", Betshe panted, his knees wobbling.

"Glad to see you here, Big B. Things aren't looking too good right now", Bunga sighed.

"I'll say. There's an invasion and our Lion Guard marks are gone", Ono would sitting on Betshe's back finally spoke up.

"Thanks, Ono. We clearly hadn't noticed", Fuli rolled her eyes. Now was the time come up with a plan, not stating the obvious.

"Hey, just saying...", Ono shrugged his wings.

"Look what we need is to come up with something", Fuli began to pace back and forth. She couldn't believe that at a time like this the rest of the guard was going to just sit around and mope!

"Fuli, what exactly should we do?", Betshe spoke up in a gentle voice to ease her temper. The cheetah swiveled around to face the hippo.

Before anymore words could be said, there was the sound of strained groaning in the far corner.

"Kion!", Bunga ran to the lion standing weakly on his paws. "Are you alright?"

Kion took a deep breath and looked for any part of him that hurt. He was fine. The wounds on his chest seemed to be healed up. The bleeding was gone and there was no scar.

"Y-yeah. I think so. But what's going on?", Kion asked, looking around to his group. Bunag took a deep breath, deciding it's best to just tell Kion what's really going on.

"It's...a war, Kion. The Outlanders are invading soon your dad is outside right now rallying everyone he can to join the fight", Bunga stated, the entire time looking the lion in his eyes.

"Oh no.... And the Roar is gone", Kion sighed. This was the worst possible thing he had ever experienced. His home is on the brink of war and he has no powers to help them.

What can I do? When the Outlands come to attack, I don't have a roar to fight them back with. I have to something! This is my home. These are my family and I can still defend my home!, Kion encouraged himself.

"But...Even without the Roar we still have to get out there and fight", Kion stood taller, his strength slowly returning to him. The rest of the Guard all gasped in confused shock. Here Kion was, just waking up from almost dying and the first thing he wants to do is fight?

"Kion, what are you talking about?", Fuli scoffed. "Exactly how are we supposed to do that?"

"We don't have any of our powers", Ono sighed, fluttering down to the cave floor.

"And our marks are gone", Betshe agreed.

"Kion, if what you said is true then Scar has the Roar. Which means the Outlands has the Roar! That means going down there and fighting would be suicide!", Bunga argued, desperate to talk the lion out of his idea of fighting. "You almost died yesterday. I thought I was gonna lose you and now you wanna go out there and risk it all over again!?"

"Bunga, please. I know. But we are the Lion Guard. We have to protect the Pride Lands and the ones who live there. Just because we don't have our marks does not means we still don't have our talents", Kion said to each of his Guard members. "Fuli, you are the fastest in the Pride Lands and no mark is gonna take that away. Betshe and Ono even before the marks came around your strength and your sight were and still are the best around"

Fuli looked down at the rock, blushing. She was embarrassed at both the compliment and fact that Kion was right. Betshe and Ono looked at each other and nodded in assurance.

"And Bunga. You're my best friend. We've been close since the beginning. You are the bravest in the Pride Lands and the bravest to me. Before the legend and before the mark. Don't tell me losing a mark is the thing that makes you scurry away", Kion smirked. Bunga smiled a bit, but sighed.

"Kion, I'm sorry. But I can't....I can't....Maybe I'm not the bravest in the Pride Lands", Bunga murmured as he walked towards the cave entrance.

"Bunga! Bunga, wait. Uh, guys. Hold on, I'll talk to him", Kion told the rest of the Guard, who watched on in confusion.

Zuka Zama Part II: The Scourge of Kopa | The Lion GuardWhere stories live. Discover now