23. Kopa's Obeservation

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As the fighting continued across the Pride Lands Kopa stood there alone on the hill. He looked down upon all the chaos and bloodshed going on below him.

"Look at those fools down there", Kopa growled to himself. "Pride Landers truly think they are the heroes. Risking their own lives for petty things such as glory, honor, and some land. What good is it anyway? What good is it throwing thier lives away for simple soil and grass? I suppose it cannot be helped. They also fight in the name of their kings. Kings that decieve them. They play benevolence and convince those around them that everything they do is for the benefit of everyone. What an amazing lie that is. To reward those who comply with thier words and to banish anyone else who sees their own way. I will end this cycle of false kings and twisted morals."

Kopa looked over at Simba fighting off many Outlanders. He had to admit that the current king was a formidable foe. But he was certain that he could best his father. He has to, for the sake of everyone. The suffering had to stop. From what he was seeing the Pride Landers were doing well to defend, but the Outlanders were starting to put pressure on them. It shouldn't be long now. On one side of it Kopa felt excitement about finally giving the Outlanders the life they deserved. But on another side he wished that they did not have to risk they're lives for it. What was it about some hyenas and jackals that deemed the all wrong or inherently bad? What made it right? Some hyenas abuse the circle of life and the entire species is banished. But what about his own uncle Scar? He almost brought about the downfall of the entire Pride Lands. But no one called for the banishment of lions. The more Kopa thought about it, the more he found himself angry.

Unbeknownst to the lion lost in thought, Kupoteas was silently stalking up the hill. Somoeone had to put a stop to this war and he knew that taking out Kopa would call for this all to end. He continued to climb up and saw a shadow. He climbed faster, eager to put a stop to all this as fast as possible.

"Now I have you!", Kupotea challenged, attempting to lunge at the shadow. But as he lugned, so did the assailant. The both met and tumbled down the hill. As they rolled to the bottom they both broke away. Kupo stood up and shook the dizzy feeling he felt. Once he took a look at who he assumed to be Kopa he felt a pit in his stomach.

"Ch-Changa!", the jackal groaned. "I don't have time for this. Get out of my way!"

"You're trying to get to him aren't you?", Changa asked, ignoring Kupo's words.

"He's the one who's started all this. Everyone's down there killing each other. And you're just standing here letting it happen", Kupotea growled.

"Oh, Kupo. You still just don't understand", Changamoto sighed and took an attacking stance. "Sorry, but I can't let you. This has to happen. We have to fight. I have to fight even against you."

Kupotea actually felt sad at the hyena's words. Even though what they had was long over he still couldn't help but remember those days of the two of them agasint the world.

"Alright, if I have to fight you....I don't want to, but I will!", Kupo growled. He had come this far, dodging all the fighting and avoiding being seen. He found where the leader of this invading army is and he was close to ending this all. And now, of course, there had to be an obstacle.

The jackal gave a low growl and lept at Changamoto. The tow clashed and wrestled on the ground.

Above the two of them Kopa watched them fight. He was aware of the jackal's precence, but he knew and trusted Changa to take care of it. Things seemed to be going to plan. The Outlanders were fighting hard against the Pride Landers. He kept a close eye on his father. Though he didn't say anything, he actually hoped it would be Simba to come find him up here, not some lone jackal. The fact that it was a jackal angered Kopa enough. To think that he would abandon his own brothers and turn their claws on him. If Changa somehow failed he would just have to finish the job.

Zuka Zama Part II: The Scourge of Kopa | The Lion GuardWhere stories live. Discover now