6. Banished

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Kopa sniffed in the air trying to find a scent of any prey. Things to eat had been a scare lately. He had confidence he could find something around to eat. But it wasn't going to be easy. Like always the place he had been residing in was pretty very low on thriving organic materials. There's not going to be any prey when there no grass to eat. He thought it was best to go near east towards the river stream. Though he noticed that over the years that the water level of the stream was shrinking more and more. It wouldn't be long before it would dry up.

With the rumble of his stomach reminding him of the mission at hand, Kopa began to stalk around. He checked his surroundings once more before turning around. Kopa walked east keeping his senses sharp for anything he could eat. Nothing seemed to be around as usual.

His ears twitched from a nearby sound. It was faint and kind of muffled, but it was something. Kopa jogged forward, keeping low to the ground. The lion was sweeping forwards and back but still found no prey. But the faint sound grew louder. And louder still. He continued to move forward.

"What is this? Is all this you could get?", a voice was what could be heard.

Kopa stopped in his tracks and when he found the source of the voice he stopped in his tracks. There was a group of dead bushes that hid is body.

"This...This is all I could find", Kopa peeked up. The voice was not just one. It was two. Two hyenas, one male and one female.

"But this is hardly a morsel", the female hyena whined, prodding the small mammal with her paw.

"Well, it's not my fault. If it's anyone's fault it's that 'king' of ours, Simba", the male said in a mocking tone. "Some king he is. There's new from the Pride Lands. Apparently, Simba banished the lions who followed Scar just like us. Can you believe it? Simba sending members of his own pride out here to the Outlands"

The Outlands?, Kopa couldn't believe it. He was in the Outlands? He had been wandering a some years now. Through the jungle, along the river and other places. But he had no idea where he had been wandering. Now he's in the Outlands. But that means that I'm close to the Pride Lands!

"Hmmph. Some king he is. There's hardly anything to eat and now there are even more mouths to snatch food from us", the female sighed.

What they were talking about now registered in the lion's ears. His father, Simba has sent lions just like him to the Outlands where there's no food. If there's no food then he might as well move on. Perhaps that he could go on to the Pride Lands? But...He had no idea which direction that was.

He decided to move on and continue walking. Eventually he would find the Pride Lands...Right?

Zuka Zama Part II: The Scourge of Kopa | The Lion GuardWhere stories live. Discover now