Shut Up Idiot, I Love You (Katsuki x Reader)

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A/N: Very first request!! Not exactly sure if RozuWater, the requester wanted to be tagged or not so tell me if your not fine with it!

"What'd you get for number three?"

"I thought I was an idiot, Katsuki!" You tease, but he wasn't having any of your games and snatched your paper. You'd rip anyone's head off if they did that to you but Katsuki? Nah.. You guess it was just expected of him.

He has been oddly more hostile with you lately but it's worth it whenever he puts down the facade of angry, emotionless and strong guy act and comes out and just talks to you like normal best friends with an annoying amount of things in common. That's the side of Katsuki you're madly in love with. The other side was just a part you put up with.

"Y/N!" Katsuki sharply growled. "The bell rang, get outta la-la land."

"Y'know you don't have to walk me home everyday," You sassily respond packing up your stuff. He responded in a huff, not wanting to disclose why he walks you home. One time he said "You're as defenseless as a person without a quirk." In response to the question. Then almost shoved you into a gutter after you said 'Trying to protect me, huh?'

Deep down you hope that he's what your mutual friends say, a tsundere that definitely didn't like you in the beginning. But to bring it down back to earth to the higher possibility, he sees you as a threat but not his rival, that title being reserved to the one and only Deku. Your quirk was ranked the most powerful. Called 'Better,' You can take someone's quirk after touching them and make it stronger/better for yourself.

You can lose some sleep sometimes when the realization that your crush only became your friend, and still is your friend because of some sort of power play. Having someone with a strong quirk like yours in your corner is smart, and Katsuki probably caught on to that. It stings everytime you acknowledge it but.. You try to be thankful for the happy moments now.

"Tsk.." Katsuki let's out, you completely zoned out, you weren't that close to your house yet, still having a ways to go.

"What is it this time?" You asked sarcastically, glancing over to Katsuki who was looking forward.

"Your up in the damn clouds and walking slow as hell. Did you steal a turtles quirk or something?" He said coldly, making you chuckle a little. If only turtles had quirks and made that snarky comment make a little more sense. You could've commented on the fact that he meant to say a "slow or turtle like quirk" but you decided against it.

After a couple of minutes of walking in silence you adjusted an earbud in your ear. You only had one in so you could listen to Katsuki if he had something to say, which he usually doesn't but...

Your earbud quickly and roughly gets snatched out, and you get drawn closer to the male beside you. The blasty bastard yanked out your earbud.

"What's your damn problem?" Your ask, shoving Katsuki away and taking your earbud back before he yanks your phone out of your pocket.

"Just pay attention to me!" Katsuki shoots back, sounding like a 4 year old.

"Quit acting like a 4 year old!" You yell. Great, now you two are arguing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Quit acting like an asshole!" He yells in response. This scene has to look weird from afar. You read Katsuki's crimson eyes and of course they flared his anger but you wanted to say it was something else there, hell, you're probably just crazy.

You grab both of his wrists, trying to calm him down but also copying his quirk. You know how mad Katsuki can get, and you might have to defend yourself. He pulls himself away stumbling back into the street. You see a car turn the corner and you grab onto his hand and pull him towards you, back onto the concrete. The horn blows as it passes you both. You just saved Katsuki's ass while he's currently treating you like shit.

You let go of his hand and grab onto his uniform, manhandling him, turning around and shoving him onto the convenient random bench. The action leaves him winded and the fact that he didn't stand up right away suggest you hurt his knees.

"Look, Katsuki, I'm done with all this rude and mean bull, alright?" You expressed, he looked at you in complete shock, waiting for you to finish. "You've been extra rude lately and I don't even know how you accomplished that!"

You took a deep breath.

"I know you probably don't hold me as a friend like I do to you, I don't blame you, my quirk was ranked the strongest. It's smart to have me in your corner, and it's not a necessity to be nice to me or like me cause I'm head over heels for you! And wouldn't treat you any different if you punched me in the face!" You spill, not even regretting confessing. You needed to rant and get this out.

You didn't even noticed Katsuki getting up before he grabbed your shoulders, stopping your unconscious pacing.

"Shut up, idiot, I love you," Katsuki mumbled softly before grabbing the back of your neck and kissing you, all the anger being washed away in the oddly soft kiss. He pulls back with a smirk crossing his features.

"Wipe that stupid look off your face," You tell him, only a few inches away from his face.

"You love this stupid face" He says before planting another kiss on your lips.

A/N: Dis was kinda bad and shorth I sorry. Hope you enjoyed it, and I hope I didn't write Katsuki out of character.

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