How You Met

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Classic way to start off a preference book, correct? Enjoy.

Izuku Midoriya

''Twas the ever going hell of middle school. Just another homeroom class that you, Izuku, and Bakugo shared. You weren't bullied often, and nowhere near as rough and Izuku, Who you felt bad for, truly, but you were never in the right place and the right time to help him. Anyway, you somehow caught the attention of Bakugo. 

He was cursing you out for... Some reason, with you just leaning back in your chair with your arms crossed, taking it. Not responding. Soon enough the teacher will walk in. Soon enough he'll get bored with not getting a reaction out of you. But nope. Neither of those things happened and it just continued. Just your luck.

"Fuck you, you windy bi-" He was cut off short with a large gush of wind sending him flying into the wall, leaving a Katsuki sized silhouette. The room went silent. Bakugo looked at you in disbelief, he probably didn't know the power of your quirk once you got upset. 

Timeskip to two days later 

Getting to class, one of the most eventful times. Hallway fights, hallway arguments, teachers and staff in the hallways yelling at kids. It was a zoo, a zoo you always had a ticket to watch.

You glanced over to see Bakugo having Midoriya shoved up against a locker. This was your time to save him. You walked over, grabbing Katsuki back by the collar. Adrenaline and confidence pulsing through your veins.

Katsuki glared at you, you return it. He lets out a 'tsk' and walked away.

"Th-Thank you so much!" Midoriya stuttered Out with a bow.

"No problem. I'm L/N. L/N Y/N," you stated to him, a small smile crossing your face.

"Izuku Midoriya,"

Katsuki Bakugo

Middle school. The middle school you hesitantly ran. You were popular solely because of your quirk and you hated it. The fake girls who always surrounded you, gossiping, talking to you about things you didn't exactly care about. If they weren't outgoing plastics who wanted to be "friends" with you, they've heard of you. The fact that you don't speak unless spoken to lead to more people knowing of you from rumors than actual interaction. But that changed all one day.

Bakugo yelling at Midoriya, as always. Today you had a migraine, selfish reason to finally stick up for the quirkless boy.

"Can you please lay off of him for once?!" You yelled above the chatter and laughter of the classroom, turning in your seat to face the two boys.

 Bakugo was speechless and so was the rest of the class. The quiet yet popular girl just yelled, not only yelling but sticking up for the bullied kid. The teacher walked in and class began.

Things were normal until Bakugo started talking to you, sitting beside you, stop bullying Midoriya (In front of you). You two somehow became friends. Someone you genuinely liked. Someone who didn't see you for just your quirk.

Todoroki Shoto

Another night of you with a bruised face. Another night out on the swing alone, silently crying and thinking about life and just how bad it was for you. A shitty hand of cards were dealt to you parent-wise.

You were never on greatest terms with your parents by your parents because of your powerful quirk, more-so your want/dream to become a hero. Also because of your unwavering confidence and fake happiness you showed to the world. And finally because you were... You. 

You were lightly swinging on the swing set, not going anywhere near airborne when you heard the clattering of iron beside you. It snapped you of your thoughts, looking up at the new presence beside you.

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