How he asked you out/told you he loved you

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A/N: I've been focused on an IcyHot chapter cause I'm sick of writing all that extra crap with the small hint of romance and fluff so I'm working on a bigger and better chapter for it. I'm writing and publishing this and a break up series (Your first fight, how he is without you, the make-up) so here it is. Enjoy. These are long as all hell by the way, I'm sorry.

Izuku Midoriya

He's been able to push away his feelings for you for a while, it what was necessary in his eyes because his thoughts were: we're just best friends, no way she likes me back. I have to get over it cause I can't just be a mess every time she's around. So that's what it's been. Until he can't help noticing how perfect you are and just can't get you out of his head. 

It was really obvious. The constant blush on his face whenever you're around, the extra stuttering whenever he's talking directly to you, whenever you touched him, even a little, he had to focus on blinking and breathing. But you were just confused, you couldn't compare his nervous signals to him liking you of all things. Not until you two were just talking one on one while Iida and Ochaco were away to the bathroom and vending machine. You were just talking about something that interested you and Midoriya wasn't exactly listening but just admiring everything. The look in your eye and the extreme gestures with your hands. He loved it all. Not until one of the gestures almost smacked him dead in the face.

His reactions moved before his mind. He grabbed your wrist, tight. You were shocked and embarrassed while he was just shocked and used this as an opportunity. He got up and led you out of the cafeteria with you just confusedly followed. The blush on his face was deep. As soon as you both stepped out he starting rambling on how much he loved you with his entire heart and soul. It was really sappy and cute. The only way you could understand him was by reading his lips, though. Something you learned to do with him since he rambles so much. When he started rambling on how you probably didn't like him back you planted a kiss on them.

Katsuki Bakugo

He was being extra mean to you for the days leading up to it, mostly because he was so deep in thought on how he was even gonna ask you out and tell you he loved you. Even though he was being extra rude and snappy he was practically demanding you presence all the time. It made you confused and angry. If he wants you to be around so much, why isn't he treating you as such? After another rude remark you finally confront him on it.

"Katsuki why the hell are treating my shit?!"

"I fucking like you, stupid" 

Not the way he wanted to tell you but that works. He refused to look at you and his heart was beating faster than he cared to mention.


"I said I'm in love with you, alright?!"

You were speechless and when Katsuki's angry glare that read 'Where the fuck is my response' all you could do was open you mouth for words that would escape.

"I uh.. I.. I'm in love with you too"

Todoroki Shoto 

This dude stopped talking to you and avoided you for a week just so he could think his feeling out. So when he consulted his mom who told him what he was feeling and what he should do about it which was to ask you out in a big nice memorable way. So, in response to this he invited you to the park after not talking to you for a week. Made you follow him to this beautiful area with no words being spoken on the walk there. It was cherry blossom season, the area was near a small creek, overall peaceful serene area.

"Y/N, I have something to tell you," He spoke, clear as day but you were distracted by literally everything. The trickle of the creek, each individual blossom that fell, everything caught you attention accept the person who brought you to the place.

My Hero Academia preferences and one-shots! {REQUESTS: OPEN}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt