Chapter 5: Reassurance From A Friend

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It's now a nearing evening time and the pups are laying on pup beds in the living room.  Marshall is laying on red pup bed, with his pup bowl filled with popcorn along with a glass of water, Zuma, Chase, and Rubble are all sitting on the couch together, chatting about the movie and chilling together, Rocky is working on one of his blueprints while making glances at the movie from time to time, Ryder is sitting in a chair watching the movie, and Skye is nowhere to be found.  The lights are dimmed as the movie, The Pawtastic Adventures of Apollo, is nearly done. As it finishes, Marshall takes a bite of popcorn and smiles as the bad guy Apollo was chasing after was finally caught and being punished for his crimes.

Which leads to Apollo giving a stereotypical speech about heroism, bravery, loyalty, and trust.  At least everyone thought.  "I know all this sounds typical, but to be honest, that's how some things work.  Think of it this way, for those who missed all I said before, to break it down, you need trust, loyalty, care, respect, sympathy and empathy for those around us.  No one can read minds, not even me, but we can talk, show someone we care about them, and make people feel good.  Doesn't have to be all for love, but for knowing that person hopefully gathering the strength in themselves to keep on fighting even if they feel it's hopeless.  All of you out there, please listen and do this as best you can.  Stand against all who say you can't and I'll leave you with a quote I really love, 'You have enemies?  Good, that means you stood up for something.'  Heh, well, see you all in my next movie, whenever that is," Apollo says before walking off-screen for it to fade to black.

No credits play at all and it leaves the whole room silent.  This was a surprise none of the pups or Ryder were ready for, especially Marshall.  He starts crying as he wipes his eyes.  No one goes over to him, not even Rocky as they know it's not the time.  Marshall really needs to let this out.  He needed to hear this, he really had to. 

After a while, his crying stops as he looks around at an empty room, just him alone.  "H-How long was I crying for?," He asks to himself out loud as he takes a drink of water and looks at the clock.  It's only 6:30 PM so no one should be sleeping.  Although, he feels really tired now, so he just lays on the pup bed, falling asleep instantly as he makes himself comfortable.

About 25 minutes ago, everyone, except for Marshall, were walking out of the Lookout.  Chase, Zuma, and Rubble decided to head to Jake's Mountain to go snowboarding with him and Everest.  Skye decided to go to Katie's because her fur needed to be done, even though she was clean.  Ryder, chose to go grocery shopping, and Rocky.  Well, he hasn't figured that out yet.  He didn't want to leave Marshall in there by himself.  Yet, he knew it was best to leave him alone.

"I wish there was something I could do to help," Rocky says as he writes out a note in his pup house before taking it to the Lookout and sliding it under Marshall's beanbag.  He looks at the pup, who had at some point fell asleep from the crying he had done, and wonders what he is dreaming about.  After looking at Marshall for a few minutes, Rocky turns around, walks out of the Lookout, and returns to his pup hose, deciding to occupy himself with something to do.   

Skipping ahead in time once again, the last time it happens in this chapter I promise, it is now 7:15 PM.  Ryder had returned from his grocery shopping, parking his atv in the Lookout garage.  He takes his pup-pad off the dashboard and looks at who has their pup tags on, Rocky and Marshall's icons appear on the screen after a couple seconds.  The boy smiles and clicks on Rocky's icon.  

Rocky's pup tag begins beeping which startles the mixed breed a bit, but he answers.  "Hello Ryder, uh...what do you need me for?" He asks genuinely curious.  "Can you come down to the garage?  I could use some help bringing the groceries into the Lookout" Ryder admits as he may or may not have spent more money than he intended.  "Ohhhh, okay!!!  Sure thing Ryder, green means go!!!!" Rocky says happily before hanging up and running out of his pup house.

As Rocky runs to the Lookout, Marshall wakes up and yawns.  He tried taking a nap, but once again thoughts flood his mind.  Thoughts fill his mind as he lays on the pup bed underneath him.  He tries his best to clear them, but nothing works to do that.  He needs help from someone to ease his mind.  The movie from earlier really sent his brain for a trip.   Hoping to find some advice, he decides to call a certain pup.

Over on Jake's Mountain, Chase, Rubble, Zuma, and Everest are snowboarding to pass the time.  As Chase goes along the path he took he hears his pup tag ring, and he stops.  He hops off of his snowboard and answers the call.  "Hello who is it," Chase asks as a video pops up in front of him.  On the other end is Marshall.  "Hey Chase, it's me, I really could use some advice right now," The Dally says as he had just woken up a few moments ago.  "Sure buddy, anything to help," Chase says with a smile.

Marshall breathes in and lets it out as he is ready to tell Chase something he hasn't told even Ryder yet.  "To start off...uhm, I have a relationship with Rocky Chase," The Dally says as he blushes a bit.  Chase just stood there stunned.  He Marshall really needed advice, but he didn't know it was relationship advice he needed.  Regardless, the Shepherd is always happy to help his friends with whatever they need.  " can I help with Marshall," Chase asks as he looks at the Dalmatian with a slight head tilt.  "I'm scared of it now working out Chase.  I love Rocky a lot, but I am scared something bad will.  Something that will tear the two of us apart.  I'm not ready for something like that to happen yet.  I just want us to be happy together," Marshall says as he looks at Chase.

Chase realizes that this is a lot more than he thought.  Regardless, he knows Marshall tends to blow things out of proportion sometimes.  He takes his friend seriously though.  He too once felt this way when he first started his relationship.  "There's really no need to worry, Marshall.  Your relationship I imagine just started not too long ago.  These kinds of things need time to be worked out.  Plus, if something bad does happen, just make sure to always be there for each other.  That's all there is to it," The Shepherd says with a confident smile.  Marshall ponders these words for a few minutes as he goes through his mind.  He really wants to believe Chase since they have been best friends since who knows when.  Yet, with this situation he feels that Chase may be wrong for once.  However, despite this, he decides to believe his friend.  "Okay Chase, I trust you enough.   You've helped me through so many other situations before that I think you may be right once again.  I just have to let things run their course," Marshall says as he smiles for the first time in about a few hours.

Chase keeps smiling as he wags his tail.  "There's the smile I love to see.  Glad I could help you out Marshall, now I need to get back on the trail.  Rubble, Zuma, and Everest must be wondering where I am.  Talk to you later Marsh," Chase says as he hangs up and gets back on his snowboard.  Over at the Lookout, Marshall feels content and continues to smile.  He really needed that talk with Chase.  He lays down once again on the pup bed and falls asleep.

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