Beca pulled Chloe into her. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

          "Spending the day with you hopefully. I took the next five days off."

          Beca sat up looking pleased. "You can do that?"

          "I told them I had a family emergency a week ago. I had to finish my surgeries for the week and now I'm all yours for the next few days."

          "We're totally having a picnic at the park among other romantic cliché things."

          "I'm a sucker for romantic cliché things." 

          "Good, and then tomorrow night I want you to join me at Pulse."

          Chloe frowned. "You're working? You're supposed to wait another week."

          "I have one set. One set isn't going to kill me."

          Chloe sighed. "Okay." She had been trying really hard to suppress her overprotective side but that was proving to be difficult for her these last few days. "Have you taken your meds? Have you eaten? I can make you something."

          As Chloe moved to get up, Beca stopped her by wrapping an arm around her waist. "I don't need anything but you right now." Beca had been irritated by Chloe's hovering when she had first left the hospital but quickly realized it was how the redhead was dealing. Chloe was used to fixing things and this wasn't something she could fix so she helped how she could. "Let's go to bed."


          The next night, Chloe entered Pulse with Aubrey and Stacie. "I'll catch up with you at the bar!" she yelled to them over the music. She made her way over to the turntable where Beca was.

          Beca winked at Chloe in greeting but the redhead crossed her arms over her chest and gave her a "you're in trouble" look.

          Beca ended her set and found herself being pulled towards her office. "What'd I do?" she asked once they reached their destination, only the buzzing bass of the music reaching her office.

          "I called you three times. Where's your phone?" Chloe asked. Beca gestured to her desk where her cell phone was and Chloe rolled her eyes. "You need to have it on you at all times, Beca! You know what happens when you miss a call from the hospital letting you know they have a heart for you, right?"

          Beca sighed and leaned against her desk. "Yeah, they give the heart to-,"

          "-to someone who answers their goddamn phone!" Chloe snapped.

          Beca frowned and stood up straight. "Chloe, chill. I'm sorry I didn't have my phone on me."

          Chloe ran a hand through her hair. "No, I'm sorry. That was hulk-Chloe." She wrapped her arms around Beca. "You need your phone on you. It's literally life or death, babe. I'm sorry I yelled. I just... I need you to have that phone with you."

          "I understand. I'm sorry. It was stupid of me to leave it in here. Are we good?"

          Chloe nodded and kissed her girlfriend. "That mix you were playing when I arrived was super epic, by the way."

          Beca smiled happily at the compliment. "I know, right? It's the best mix I've ever done. It's Chloe-inspired so I'm glad you like it."

          "Look at you being all sweet after I just hulked out on you. Again, really sorry."

          "I get it. And you were right. I need to have my phone on me." Beca picked up her phone. "I'll check it every five minutes, I promise. Now come on." Beca tugged Chloe towards the office door. "I have music to play and a sexy girlfriend to watch dance."

Two weeks later...


           Things had been going great for Beca. She had amazing friends, she had become great friends with Aubrey and Stacie, she had an amazing girlfriend and she was enjoying life. So of course when she woke up that morning feeling like shit, she wasn't surprised. Things were going too well. Something had to go wrong eventually and since a month was coming up, she knew exactly what it had to be. Beca felt nauseous as she rolled out of bed and a wave of dizziness hit her. She entered her bathroom just as a coughing fit started.

          Jesse exited his room and knocked on Beca's room door. "Hey, Beca what's on our list of fun things to do today?" When he didn't get an answer he knocked again. "Rise and shine!" He cracked the door open and looked inside. "Beca?" He heard the coughing coming from the bathroom and quickly made his way in that direction. "Hey, are you okay?" He saw the brunette cough up into the sink and frowned. "Beca?" Jesse rushed out of the room and returned with his cell phone to his ear. "I need an ambulance... she has a heart condition and she's coughing up this stuff... I don't know! ...I am calm!" Jesse took a deep breath and looked into the sink. "It's like... pink foamy mucus tinged with blood. What does that mean? ...You don't know? What good are you? Get an ambulance here now!" Jesse hung up the phone and quickly called Aubrey. He knew Beca wouldn't want Chloe worrying. He knelt down beside his best friend who had taken a seat on the floor. "Hey, you're going to be okay."

          "You... don't sound... so sure of that." Beca was having trouble breathing and this worried Jesse even more.

          Jesse heard Aubrey answer her phone and felt a wave of relief wash over him at having someone knowledgeable to help him. "Aubrey, Beca's coughing up pink foamy mucus and she's having shortness of breath. I called an ambulance but what should I be doing until then?"

          "Jesse those are signs of acute heart failure. There's nothing you can do. Just wait for the ambulance. I'm on my way to the hospital now. Have you called Chloe?"

          "No, I haven't."

          "Good. I'll talk to her. Hey, Beca's probably scared. You need to not freak out right now. Keep it together for her. Do you understand?"

          "Yeah.. yes. I got it." Jesse hung up the phone and looked at Beca who had gotten paler. "Hey."

          "Hi." Jesse sat down beside her and she rested her head on his shoulder.

          "If you didn't want to watch The Breakfast Club all you had to do was tell me," Jesse joked.

          Beca smiled. "Don't... make me laugh. It hurts. We... should go... outside."

          "Right, because I hung up on the operator and the EMTs won't know which apartment to go to. I'm such an idiot." Jesse dialed 911 again. "You just relax. You're going to be okay." Jesse wondered if he said it enough if it'd end up being true.

The Doctor and The DJOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora