Chapter 3

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Beca entered her apartment with Jesse after their workout to sit down. She rested her head on the back of her couch and closed her eyes. She hated working out but it was something she had to implement into her daily life. She definitely couldn't argue with the results of it either.

Jesse walked over and sat down next to her, causing Beca to open her eyes. She took the water bottle he held out to her and gulped it down.

"Thirsty?" Jesse laughed. "What are we doing now?"

Beca checked the time. "I have paperwork to go over and a few new mixes that I want to put together."

"Paperwork and anything financial; that's what Benji's for. You don't need to stress over that stuff, Beca. Just focus on your mixes."

Beca's cell phone rang from in the kitchen where she had left it before going out jogging. She went to go answer it, smiling when she saw 'Chloe' on the screen. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey you. What are you doing tomorrow? Hopefully nothing because I have plans for you."

Beca chuckled silently. Of course the redhead wouldn't be nervous about calling her for the first time. If it was the other way around, Beca was sure she'd be stumbling over her words. "You get straight to the point don't you?"

"I'm a doctor," Chloe stated. "My pager could go off at any moment. I don't have time to beat around the bush sooo..."

Beca leaned against the counter. "I actually do have plans. I'm going out with this cute doctor that I met."

"Oh, I see. Making doctors fall for your charm is something you do?"

Beca turned away from Jesse who was making faces at her. "You think I'm charming?"

"Definitely," Chloe responded. "Stubbornness and snark. What's there not to like?"

Beca laughed at Chloe's words and flicked Jesse off as he made kissing noises behind her. "Sounds like a catch to me."

"So then are you up to doing something with me tomorrow?" Chloe asked, sounding hopeful.

"I am. What'd you have in mind?"

"Absolutely nothing at the moment."

"Well, I'm down for anything that doesn't include watching a movie or eating in a public place will be fine with me."

"No dinner and a movie?" Damn. That was on the top of my list." She joked. Chloe actually hated dinner and movies on a first date. She couldn't get to know someone during a movie and dinner wasn't very original. "I'd much rather stare at you than a movie screen so no worries. Now I'd love to continue this conversation but I have to make sure my intern isn't killing anyone."

"Definitely don't want that. Go save lives. We'll talk later."

After saying their goodbyes, Beca placed her phone down and went back over to Jesse. "Shut up."

Jesse grinned. "I didn't say anything. So you have a date with your favorite doctor?"

"I do." She sat back down and bit her lower lip as negative thoughts began to encompass her. "It's a bad idea isn't it? I shouldn't be dating. I shouldn't be letting anyone new into my life when..." Beca sighed. "I should cancel."

Beca moved to stand up but Jesse stopped her. He placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closet o him. "You're not going to cancel. You're going to go on a date and you're going to enjoy yourself. I haven't seen you this way over someone before. You need to live your life. Have fun. Get out of your bubble."

The Doctor and The DJحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن