Chapter 11

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Aubrey took a step towards Chloe and let out a breath. "Your girlfriend is a pain in the ass. She kept fucking crashing and there was no way in hell I was leaving that O.R. until she was alive and stable. I haven't felt your wrath since that time during our residency when I beat you out for that kidney transplant. I'm not in a rush to experience that again."

Chloe's eyes lit up. "She's-,"

"Stable," Aubrey smiled. "She's definitely not out of the woods yet but she's stable right now. And I need a shot of something because god; talk about pressure."

Chloe threw her arms around her best friend and squeezed her tight. "Thank you!"

Aubrey returned the hug. "Her father is in there with her now. She probably won't be up for another few hours, though. I'm going to see about getting her bumped up on the transplant list and then I'll probably seriously get that shot with Stacie."

Chloe smiled. "You deserve all the shots you want."

"Just one," Aubrey said. "I might have to come back." She knew Beca was stable but that could change at any given moment. She was just glad she was able to deliver good news tonight.

Aubrey showed Chloe to Beca's room and took a moment to check the brunette's vitals before leaving to go find Stacie.

Mr. Mitchell and Jesse who had been in the room, left so that Chloe could be alone with Beca.

Chloe stood beside the bed, looking down at the brunette. "You scared us there for awhile." She leaned down and kissed Beca on the forehead. "Please make it through the night." Chloe sat down on the chair by the bed and held Beca's hand. She wasn't planning on going anywhere. She wanted to be here when Beca woke up and more importantly, if anything went wrong.

Beca's eyes fluttered open and she immediately knew where she was due to the beeping on the monitor. "Damn it." She went to raise her hand to run it through her hair but something was stopping it. She looked down and saw a mass of red hair by her leg. Beca pulled her hand out of Chloe's grasp and ran her hand through Chloe's hair. "Chloe," she tried to say but the words barely escaped her lips.

The door to the hospital opened and Beca saw Stacie enter the room.

"Hey, you're up," Stacie said, happily. "I was just checking on Chloe. She's been in here all night." Stacie got the brunette some water in a cup and placed a straw in it. She held it to her lips and Beca sipped it.

"Thank you," Beca said. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Your heart crapped out on you," Stacie answered.

Amy entered the room and looked pleased to see that Beca was up. "Hey, you're up. You died like... a lot. It was intense. We didn't even think you'd make it through the night."

"Way to be insensitive," Stacie chided the intern.

Beca smirked at the two. This definitely wasn't what she was expecting to wake up to. Chloe stirred and raised her head due to the noise.

"Beca?" She smiled when she saw that the woman was up. "How are you feeling?"

"Like someone took a scalpel to my chest."

"We'll leave you two to it," Stacie said, pulling Amy out of the room.

Chloe rubbed her neck. It was stiff from how she had fallen asleep. "That would be Aubrey. Do you want a run down of what happened and what's going to happen?"

Beca shook her head. "I want to apologize to you right now. I was an idiot. I don't want to not be with you. I panicked. It's just hard."

Chloe stayed silent. She didn't want to push Beca into a conversation this serious after she had just had major surgery. "We can talk about it later."

"I need to talk about it now. I don't mean to be difficult, Chloe. I just don't know how to be loved. It's scary and me dying makes it even scarier. And if it scares me, then I know you have to be terrified."

Chloe smiled gently and took Beca's hand back into hers. "I know it's tough to be loved and I am scared because the thought of losing you when I've just found you is scary but I'd rather be in love with you then never know the feeling of loving you." Chloe stood up and leant down to kiss Beca.

"Whoa," Aubrey entered the room. "None of that. You don't need your heart going haywire again. You're lucky, by the way." Aubrey picked up the clipboard that was hanging on the bottom of the bed. "If I hadn't found you on the floor, I would've kicked your ass."

Beca frowned. "You found me?"

Aubrey told Beca the story of how she had been at her house to give her a good talking to and how it ended with her rushing the brunette to the hospital.

"Thank you," Beca said. "I owe you."

Aubrey waved her off. "I'm a doctor. It's what I do. Just don't hurt my best friend again or I'll pummel you."

"Noted," Beca said.

"Aubrey don't threaten her," Chloe said, disapprovingly.

"Why not?" Aubrey asked. "Because she's bed ridden from just having major surgery? That's the best time to threaten her." Aubrey went about checking Beca's vitals and nodded in approval. "Good. You need to get food into your system and then I'll be back to run you through a few things. Unless..." Aubrey looked at Chloe and raised an eyebrow as if to say, "do you want to tell her?"

"I'll talk to her," Chloe said.

"Talk to me about what?" Beca asked.

Aubrey left the room, closing the door behind her and Chloe bit her lower lip as she thought of how to tell her girlfriend how short her lifespan had become overnight.

"You have about a month with your heart," Chloe said, honestly. "Maybe not even that. You've been bumped up on the transplant list."

"A month?" Beca always knew she could die at any moment but having an actual time limit made it more real. "What can I do in a month? I've only taken you on three official dates. And I've been meaning to go back to that pottery class because I want to make you a cup with the lyrics of Titanium printed on it. And I've been telling Jesse since forever that I'll watch Star Wars with him. I still have mixes I haven't gotten around to making-," Beca began to cry and Chloe pulled her in for a hug. "You can take me on a date to that pottery class. Two birds, one stone. And you'll still have time to watch Star Wars... even though watching that might take up a lot of time that I'd rather you spend with me."

Beca laughed and wiped her eyes. "I'm a mess."

"You're beautiful." Chloe kissed Beca on the cheek. "You can do anything you want to do, Beca and I'll be there with you every step of the way." Chloe kissed her girlfriend again. "You really do need to eat. I'll be right back."

Beca nodded and watched Chloe leave the room. She had come to terms with dying. She had been completely prepared for it, but then Chloe Beale walked into her life and now she wasn't ready at all. There was so much she wanted to experience. A month wasn't enough. She felt herself becoming angry at Chloe but shook off the irrationality of that anger. It wasn't Chloe's fault that she had stirred all these feelings in her. She was actually grateful for the redhead bringing meaning into her life. Feeling her chest tighten from her mini freak out, Beca let out a calming breath and closed her eyes, letting herself relax as she waited for Chloe to return.

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