Chapter 6

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Beca parked in front of the hospital where Chloe worked and sat in her car contemplating whether she should go in or not. The two had gotten to know each other more over the past two weeks and Beca was enjoying the redhead's presence in her life. Chloe was a breath of fresh air. The two hadn't spoken much in the last three days due to Chloe's busy schedule so Beca decided to drop by to see the woman. Rolling her eyes at herself, Beca pulled her cell phone out of her pocket to call Jesse.
"Hey, Beca. What's up?" Jesse answered.
"I'm thinking about visiting Chloe at work. Is that too relationship-y?"
"Are you bringing her a bouquet of flowers?"
"No... I'm bringing her lunch."
"Tad bit relationship-y. I mean, friends can do that but you also make-out with her on occasion so that kinda blurs some lines, ya know?"
"So I shouldn't go in?" Beca knew she was over thinking this but she didn't want to give the redhead mixed signals. She liked how things were... okay, that was a lie. She wanted Chloe to be her girlfriend but starting a relationship with her wouldn't be fair. All she could do was settle with what she would allow herself to have and to be honest, it wasn't nearly enough.
"That's up to you," Jesse said. "I'm sure she'd be happy to see you."
"All right... thanks. I'll see you tonight." Beca ended the call and picked up the brown bag from the passenger's seat that carried Chloe's lunch before getting out of her car.

Chloe was waiting for the elevator to go to the first level of the hospital while she thought about Beca. She hadn't seen the brunette in a few days and was starting to miss her company. She had thought about calling but figured Beca maybe wanted her space. The elevator doors opened and Chloe stepped out of it. She saw Aubrey turning a corner and quickly went to catch up with her. "Hey, Bree," Chloe said as she fell into step with the blonde.
"So I save this man's life this morning and do you know what he has to say to me when he wakes up? Can he have a doctor that doesn't look like they've just graduated high school."
"What a prick."
"Right?" Aubrey sighed. "How's your day going?"
"I actually need some advice. Should I call Beca or should I wait for her to call me?"
Aubrey raised an eyebrow at her friend. "I thought you could do the whole friends with benefits thing?"
"I can. I am... I just don't know if I should call her or if the fact that we haven't spoken in three days is a sign of some sort."
Aubrey stopped walking and faced Chloe. "You've got it bad for her, Chloe. Maybe you should tell her you want more than what you've got going on."
"I don't want-,"
"Don't even bother lying," Aubrey cut her off. "You want more just admit it."
"Are you going to tell me you told me so?" Chloe asked.
"Yes, probably," Aubrey answered with a grin.
Chloe sighed. "What should I do?"
"Tell her how you feel or continue doing what you're doing." Aubrey didn't want to see her best friend get hurt but Chloe was an adult. If she chose to continue on the path she was on with Beca, she could only be there for Chloe if things went sour.
"Hey, look who I found," Stacie's voice could be heard from down the hall.
Chloe looked over at her friend and smiled when she saw Beca with her.
"I saw her when I was on my way in," Stacie said. "I'll see you guys later. I have to go relieve a woman of her back pain," she said referring to her breast reduction surgery she had.
"And I have a bypass surgery." Aubrey said her goodbyes and left the two to converse.
"So what brings you here?" Chloe asked.
"Well, I was thinking I haven't seen you in awhile so I figured since you're so busy, I'd just stop by. Then I figured I'd be the awesome person that I am and bring you food that's not from a hospital cafeteria." Beca held up the brown bag for Chloe to see.
"That is very awesome of you."
"Dr. Beale," Amy approached her boss. "Can I-," Amy noticed Beca and looked back at Chloe. "Oh, is this the DJ whose bones you said you wanted to jump repeatedly?"
Chloe blushed and she glared at Amy. "Go make rounds. Now."
"Was I not supposed to say that?"
"Bye, Amy," Chloe said through gritted teeth. Amy rushed off to go check on patients and Chloe took Beca by the hand. "Let's go somewhere where that can't happen again."
Beca chuckled. "I already knew you wanted to jump my bones. No news there."
"Glad you found that amusing." Chloe pulled Beca into an on-call room and locked the door. "I'm glad you stopped by. I was actually going to call you. I know you hate movies but you've never seen a movie with me so you might actually enjoy it. What do you think?"
Beca pretended to think for a moment. "I don't think that'll help. How am I supposed to focus on a movie with a beautiful redhead beside me?"
"Wow, you just said that. And you've been so smooth up until now." Chloe joked.
"I can't give you all my good lines. You have to work for them. But don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to do that, let's say... tonight?"
"Tonight is good," Chloe said. "And how about my place instead of yours? Aubrey's on-call tonight so we'll have the place to ourselves."
"That works for me."
Chloe's beeper went off and she sighed. "And I'm off. I'll see you tonight."
Beca handed Chloe her lunch. "Text me your address."
Chloe placed a kiss on Beca's cheek. "I will. Thanks for my lunch. You can find your way out, right?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
Chloe rushed off and Beca headed out of the building excited about her date with Chloe.

Chloe entered the cafeteria and sat down across from Aubrey and Stacie. "I have to marry her!"
Aubrey frowned. "That definitely isn't how friends with benefits works."
"She made me a CD and put it in the bag she gave me. I went to my car to listen to it and it had the most amazing mixes along with my lady jam."
Aubrey laughed at the mention of Chloe's lady jam. "I bet she didn't know what she was getting herself into when she put Titanium on there. Marriage is a big leap."
"I'm dead serious," Chloe said. "She's the one. She's so perfect."
"Too perfect," Stacie cut in. "There's got to be something wrong with her."
Chloe shook her head. "Not a thing. You're definitely on-call tonight, right, Aubrey? Beca's coming over and I'm hoping she'll spend the night."
"I'll be here tonight," Aubrey confirmed. "Are you going to tell her you want her to be your girlfriend?"
Chloe bit her bottom lip. "Maybe... I don't know. I don't want to scare her off."
"She brought you lunch and made you a mixed CD," Stacie pointed out.
"Yeah," Aubrey added. "I think it's safe to say you both suck at friends with benefits."
Chloe smiled and pulled out the lunch Beca had brought her. She definitely couldn't wait until tonight.

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