Chapter 7

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Chloe and Beca were sitting on the couch watching a romantic comedy that Beca swore was killing her brain cells. She sat through it, though, smiling whenever Chloe looked at her to see her reaction to something that was happening on screen. Once the movie was over, Chloe turned off the TV, leaving it somewhat dark in her apartment.

"So what'd you think?" Chloe asked as she turned to face Beca. "Love it? Hate it? Mediocre?"

"Hate it... but since I was watching it with you I can bump it up to mediocre."

Chloe eyes widened. "What? It was so good! Give me one good reason why that movie was bad?"

"Happy endings like that do not happen," Beca stated.

"Yes they do. All the time," Chloe huffed.

Beca smirked as she looked at the redhead. "Are you pouting?"

"Shut up." Chloe moved so that she was straddling Beca's thighs. "You insulted one of my favorite movies. I reserve the right to pout."

"Pout away. It's cute." Beca bit her lower lip for a minute before letting out a nervous sigh. "Hey, did you eat your lunch today?"

"Yeah, I did. It was great. Thanks." Chloe hadn't brought it up yet because she had wanted the brunette to do it. She grinned at the nervous looking DJ.

"Um... I had a CD in there. You probably hated it, which is why you didn't bring it up but I just want to be sure that-,"

Chloe kissed Beca. "I loved it. I just wanted to see that face you make when you're nervous. It's the most adorable expression ever."

Beca rolled her eyes but was smiling. "You're a jerk. So really, you liked it?"

"I loved it. You even had my lady jam on there."

Beca raised an eyebrow. "Your lady jam?"

"Yeah, Titanium. That song really builds, ya know?" She winked at Beca and the brunette laughed.

"Oh my god, are you going to get yourself off to my Titanium remix? I'd totally be fine with that."

Done talking, Chloe leaned forward to capture Beca's lips with her own. She immediately trailed her tongue along the brunette's bottom lip and Beca allowed her entrance.

Beca slid her hand up the back of Chloe's shirt and glided it up to the redhead's bra. She snapped it off and did a mental victory dance for actually being able to manage that with one hand.

That skill didn't go unnoticed either. "That was impressive," Chloe mumbled against Beca's lips. "Lots of practice?"

"Pure luck." Beca smiled into the kiss as she guided her hand up to one of Chloe's breasts.

Chloe moaned and dropped her head back as Beca teased her nipple and gasped when the brunette latched her lips onto her neck. "God, Beca... let's move this into my room," she groaned out.

Beca thought about telling Chloe. She didn't really have much of a choice. The woman needed to know. "Chloe," Beca said, breathlessly. "I need to tell you something."

"Hm?" Chloe pulled back and looked at Beca with lust-filled eyes.

"Damn, you're beautiful," Beca whispered.

Chloe grinned and kissed the DJ. "Is that what you need to tell me?"

"Oh... no. Um..." She couldn't do it. If she did it, they would stop and she really didn't want to stop. She was tired of her heart condition controlling her life.

The Doctor and The DJHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin