"No." Chloe pulled Beca closer to her. "I was already on my way out." She placed a kiss on Beca's neck. "How was your day?"

"Uneventful. My dad visited. He wants me to bring someone to my stepmother's yearly family gathering this Saturday."

"And who are you bringing?" Chloe looked into Beca's eyes with amusement.

"He might've mentioned me maybe bringing you," Beca said.

"He wants you to bring me but you don't want me to go. Is that it?" Chloe asked.

"That's exactly it," Beca said, happy that Chloe had caught on quickly.

"Well, what if I want to go?" Chloe asked.

Beca furrowed her brows. "Then there's something wrong with you. Why would you willingly want to be thrown to the wolves?"

"I don't mind. Unless you really don't want me to go..."

"No, I want you to go. I just thought it'd be too soon for something like that."

"It probably is but you can show me off so your family can wonder how the hell you managed to get a hottie like me."

Beca scoffed. "I had you charmed within minutes.

Chloe kissed Beca gently. "Seconds even. Let's go to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"Work kick your ass today?" Beca asked.

"I kicked works ass and it's worn me out." Chloe turned around so that her back was against Beca's front and the two cuddled into each other. The redhead smiled as Beca began to hum Titanium and within a few minutes she was out.

The next morning Beca woke up to the smell of breakfast in the air. She felt around beside her and groaned disapprovingly when she was met with empty space. Reluctantly getting out of bed, Beca made her way to the kitchen.

Chloe smiled when she saw her girlfriend. "Good morning."

"Morning." Beca placed a kiss on Chloe's cheek. "Why aren't you in my bed keeping me warm?"

Chloe laughed. "Because I'm out here making you breakfast." The redhead turned off the stove and then moved the contents of the pan to a plate.

"You know you don't have to make me breakfast." Beca sat down on one of the stools and Chloe joined her.

"I know. It's just nice having someone to cook for."

The two ate mostly in silence and once they were done they found themselves in the shower together.

Chloe was currently placing kisses along Beca's neck as the water cascaded down over them. "Are you feeling better this morning?"

"Yeah," Beca breathed out at Chloe continued to assault her neck.

"Think we could move this to the bedroom?" Chloe asked.

"We could definitely do that." Beca reached forward and shut off the water.

After their love-making, Beca was lying in bed enjoying the feeling of Chloe drawing small patterns on her back with her finger.

"So why a doctor?" Beca asked, suddenly. Chloe was perky, fun and all smiles. She would think being a doctor would drain the redhead of her liveliness but it hadn't.

The Doctor and The DJWhere stories live. Discover now