Chapter 3: MATE!

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Above is Prince Zion in wolf form and Luna Ashlynn, his mate.


I walked into gym and smelled a new scent that sent my wolf wild. "MATE!" My wolf screamed for me to go claim him. His shaggy black hair framed a bruised, cut up face. He was angrily signing to my pack members. I couldn't see what color his eyes were until I got closer to him. He had whiskey brown eyes. My wolf took over for a split second and growled, "MINE!" The terror shone in his eyes. His mouth opened in what I guessed was a silent scream. He grabbed his back and booked it. He was a lot faster than I gave his frail body credit for.

"Great job, Luna Ashlynn! You found your mate and terrified the shit outta him in one go! He doesn't speak unless it's sign language. He claims to have fallen in glass. He doesn't understand werewolf terms. Vehemently denies being one." I sighed. Why did the Moon Goddess have to send me one like him? Oh well. She has her purposes and reasons. "Well, what are you gonna do?" I shrugged. My wolf screamed for me to go after him. My beta and gamma told me the same. I sighed.

"Fine. I'll go."

I tracked his scent. I had no clue where he'd been headed, but it was in my pack territory where I found him. He was a mile away from the pack mansion. I was pretty sure he went the wrong way. He was passed out on the ground. To give him credit, he'd gone seventeen miles before he collapsed. With how bad I later found out his condition was in, I was surprised he made it a mile.

I lifted him up and carried him to the pack doctor's house. "Open up, Alicia! My mate needs help." She opened the door. Her black hair was in a messy bun and she wore a loose sundress. I sighed.

She took one look at him and ushered us in. "What happened to him, Luna? He doesn't look to familiar." I shook my head.

"He's a rogue and my mate. He doesn't use his voice, but sign language. He claims he fell in glass, but I don't believe it. Fix him!"

She nodded. I was led to a room where he was laid on a bed. "Luna, with all due respecr, you may want to leave. The others will wonder what has happened to you." I nodded curtly.

A half hour later, she called me back in. "Bad news and good news. Which first?" I sighed. "Bad news." Her eyes were grave, contrasting from her usual joyful blue eyes.

"He's got three broken ribs. His ankle is fractured. He looks like he's been cut with silver. He's got choke marks around his neck." I knew my eyes were darkening, they always did when I grew furious. "His "falling in glass" story is total bullshit. He's hiding something. He's completely malnourished and underweight."

My wolf howled in rage. I bit back a slew of curses. "What's the good news?"

She went into the room. "His vital signs are good. He needs to rest and heal. His voice does work, but he doesn't use it." My shock must've shown on my face. "It was hoarse and scratchy but he was muttering while unconcious. Don't confront him about it tho. He kept whimpering one word. Calling for his mother. He's waking up, slowly." I nodded curtly.

I sat in the chair by his bed and took his hand. His eyes fluttered lightly. Then they opened fully. His eyes shot to the heart monitor then to me. His expression was of pure fear and it unsettled me. He yanked the I.V. out of his arms. He tried to take off, but I tightened my grip on his hand. He wasn't getting away from me. I just found him after two years of searching. He rapidly signed for me to let him go. I shook my head.

"You're safe here. I promise. We aren't going to hurt you. You aren't going back to whoever did this to you." He sighed in relief. His eyes still held fear but he slowly relaxed. I let go of his hand.

Big mistake. Before I knew it, he was out the door. "STOP HIM!" He was running faster than he should have been able to. Something was weird about him, but I didn't know what. Was he one of those hybrids that were becoming more known? He couldn't be. Once outside, I morphed, not caring that my clothes were shred to bits. Simon, Amber, Kimberly, James. Front and center, asap! They showed up in less than three minutes. Block all exits. I'm going after him. With that, I was gone. I tracked him down. This time, he was spazzing in pain on the ground. Still, a sound never came out of him. I ran over to him, fear replacing anger. Suddenly, he went limp. My wolf let out a long, mournful howl. I thought my mate had just died.

Simon, Amber, Kimberly, James, and Alicia came running. They saw him, then saw me. Alicia began giving out orders. "Amber, escort the Luna away. James and Simon, help me carry him to my place. Kimberly, run ahead and make sure everything is set up." Everybody set to action.

When Amber went to escort me away, I growled and snarled. "Don't touch me!" My wolf was slowly taking back over.

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