1-New kid

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New town. New school. It wasn't anything new to me. It felt like every year I was always the new girl at some upbeat preppy private school. I had moved all the way from Brooklyn, New York to California for my new job acting on the new movie Avengers infinity war. I hated moving, leaving all of my newly friends behind, having to start over, dealing with online bullying and dealing with fake friends who just wanted me for my money and fame. I finished tying up my yeezys and got into my matte black Ferrari. I know what you're thinking , "rich kid!" I get that a lot that but I planned on joining a bunch of sports this year so my parents thought I better have a car for getting to and from practices and also just to drive myself places. I pulled up to a red light and thought about my new school, Sierra Canyon. Ive always heard it was a very nice school with a lot of good sports programs which excites me! I started thinking about my teachers when a black Roles Royce pulled up beside me. I heard the muffled trap music blasting from it and saw a boy that looked around my age dancing to it in the passenger seat. It made me laugh. I couldn't help it! It made me remember all the memories I made last year with all my friends from Brooklyn prep, blasting Mo Bamba down the road and going crazy. The song then stopped and the boy looked over at me and he was so good looking. He had nice brown skin and twists in his hair. I saw by his hoodie and the car he was in his family was very wealthy. He smiled back and waved. I saw the light turn green and I went. I decided to show off a bit and sped off going maybe 60 or 70? I pulled up to the schools gates after 5 more minutes of driving and parked in the closest space I could find by the office. I stopped the car and flipped my mirror open checking to see any flaws in my makeup or anything in my teeth. I popped in a piece of mint gum and got out, grabbing my backpack and duffel bag which held my custom basketball and volleyball shoes along with my shorts, spandex and white warmup shirt. I walked across the pavement, passing students who smiled at me. I finally got into the school and was met by many people. "Oh my God is that Baylee?" "Baylee can I get a picture?" "I can walk you to class!" "Yo cuties over here!" People started walking over to me but were stopped by security guards who were waiting by the door. I quickly was escorted by one of them to the main office. "Hi you must be Baylee? I'm Mrs. Braileen, the vice principal." The lady said with a quiet voice. She seemed really nice. "Hi! I'm sorry about the commotion out there." "It's fine! Haha that's not the first time that has happened." She said laughing whilst handing me a paper with what looked like my schedule and other information I would need. "Well Ms.Williams, I have assigned you a buddy for the week to help you around the school. You have all the same classes as him so don't worry about finding them yourself." She leaned over to an intercom system, "yes she is here send him down please." I looked around and saw a chair behind me. I sat down and waited until a boy came in. I recognized him from the Tesla earlier this morning. "Mr. James this is Baylee! Could you show her her locker and give her a tour? I've already alerted your period 2 teacher so you don't have to worry about not being in class." "Thanks Mrs. B!" He looked at me and smiled. "Yooo you're the girl with that sick car! My names Lebron but people call me Bronny." "Wait. your name is Lebron James? Like- oh you're Bronny James like Lebron James son?" He picked up my duffel and binder. "Yeah." He said with a sigh. "That's cool! I was gonna ask of you ball but you obviously do. We should play sometime?" We walked down the empty hallways and stopped at a locker. "You ball? But you're so short!" He laughed and I lightly punched his arm. "Heyyy leave me alone!" I fake whined making him laugh louder. I looked at my paper and did the combo opening and shoving my backpack in. He handed me my gym back and binder and I put them inside it as well and shut it. "So where to now?" I asked. "Well I'll show you around the school, well the important places like your classes, cafeteria, the gym/workout room, and most importantly my locker." He said grinning like an idiot. I laughed and playfully pushed him, well at least tried to, seriously the dude is at least 6'2" which makes me a foot and an inch shorter than him. We made small talk the whole time we were walking around mostly about basketball and shoes. I collect shoes and so does he so we talked about shoes and stuff mostly. We turned down another hallway and walked outside. Which is where the cafeteria was at. It was empty since it was only 3rd period and lunch was in an hour. "Well you see that table over there by that tree? That's where I sit with my boys. Come sit with us at lunch, i-if you want to?" "Of course! You can maybe introduce me to people?" He nodded, smiling at me. The bell rang and people started coming outside. I could already tell this was gonna be a start to a great friendship.

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