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"Nothing gives great warmth to see your enemies beg."


I never had luck finding love, and I also didn't know how to love myself. Everything was a blur and full of darkness. I was unable to see past the "red line" that separates love and hate. All I could make out was a rose stained with my enemies' blood—I myself. It was difficult for me to accept assistance from others, and I still struggle.

It was extremely evident to someone who only knows hatred and without any understanding of love.

There was this boy who occasionally came to visit me as I trained as normal. He had a disheartened appearance, but I somehow did not frighten him. He would covertly provide me with bread, water, and pomegranates. It wasn't much, but considering how hungry I was at the moment, it was a blessing. But I'll never admit that. My lips released a breath that later condensed into hot clouds. My skin was dripping with sweat, and my eyes expelled out tears like raindrops; tears of excruciating rage.

My body was so numb to everything during the brutal exercise that it became muscle memory. My legs would start to move on their own, and my hands would twitch, itching for me to grasp onto any handle of a weapon. It was as though Axel himself was controlling me through my body and mind.

The sound of a twig snapping echoes. I pulled out my bow, drew back the arrow, and released as it passed by the hay piles, acting on my innate need to kill. The unidentified person let out a yelp as they dove to evade the arrow. Confused, I slowly grab out another arrow from behind and pressed it against the wire, drawing it back slightly. I demanded, "Come out, I can see you from behind," I said as I drew another arrow from my back and fastened it to the bow.

He slightly pokes his head out before gently rising to his feet with a platter of sliced wheat bread and a cup of water. I cast a doubtful glance at him before looking down at the tray again.

"Declare your presence. I will spare your life; otherwise, this arrow will penetrate through your skull and your brains to spatter behind the heels of your boots," I threatened.

"I'm just here to bring you some food and water," he gulps. "Even though it's not much, I was hoping that you would—"

He stops when he notices me pulling back my arrow. "No one even dares to try to assist me. Why then would you act in a manner that this community would not?"

"I'm from the Kingdom of Peace, Morthal. My name is Prince Kareem Manfred," He says as he moves the lunch tray forward. " Your inability to eat saddened me. I brought you a few things in the hopes that they may please you."

"Saddened you? I am not interested in your royal sympathy," I scoffed in disbelief.

He sets the tray on the haystack and says, "It's not pity. It's goodwill,"

I grinned and said, "I'm sorry to break it to you, but there is no such thing as kindness. Spreading it won't help, even if it did. You won't benefit from it in life. Your good nature has no place in a war. You can rest assured that it has space for your corpse."

Kareem sighs, crosses his legs, and sits down on the ground. I sucked down my saliva as I gazed down at the bread and porridge.

By the Gods, I am starved.

He turns to face me, "You are correct. Kindness doesn't help me at all in life. Nothing will change in the conflict between human insanity and animal rage. But what might happen is that I win Nyx Lazarus's confidence as a new friend,"

The Blood of Fate ✧ min yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now