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Here are some key words if this is your first y/n story:

Y/n(your name)
M/n(middle name)
L/n(last name)
H/c(hair color)
E/c(eye color)
H/l(hair length)
F/c(favorite color)

Backstory; Y/n was lucky enough to be born into a loving family. It was just her father and her mother. These two loved her even though she had a "birth defect". One day they even found a feather birthmark on her wrist. She was homeschooled all her life because if the government found out about her, they'd take her away and do tests on her. Some days they'd go out and teach y/n how to fly. Her father was at work one day and the manager called him into his office. He was fired because of machine that had taken his place. Since y/n's mother didn't have a job, the family started to lose money. Soon enough they couldn't pay for the house anymore. At the age of 11 her parents sold her to a freak show. They made millions of dollars from selling her. She thought she'd spend three rest of her life there. Preforming stunts along with other half human half animals. But that all changed one day.

I hope you all enjoy the story! Took me a while to think about a plot and stuff. Anyway, time to read on! (I couldn't think of a pun to put here ;-;)

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