"No. But where I worked before I met Brantley I had to learn a few things." Luci said to Doc Addison. He smiled at her. That seems so long ago. I don't remember much before I gave my heart to my wife. She makes me a better man. 

"Well now that I know that I will keep that in mind. Thank you Luci. You too Brantley. This town is blessed to have such fine family living here." Doc said to us. 

"Thank you Doc. This is the first place where I fell welcome." I told him. Luci wrapped her arms around me. 

"Yes that's right you was a mountain man right." Doc asked me. 

"Yes sir. But now it's just ranching and logging sir." I told him. 

"I didn't know you was in the logging business." Doc said to me. I looked at him. 

"Not just yet sir. I want to get this ranch up and going first, then within a year or so I want to start a small logging business and just see if it will work here." I told him. Doc smiled at me. 

"Well I think it will. Plus you are in with the town members. We will back you up if you will ever need our help." Doc told me. 

"How do you know that sir?" I asked him. Like I will ever ask for help. I'm 34 years old and I haven't asked yet and I still wont.

"Because sir I am a town member. So ain't the Cobb's, Jonas--" I cut him off. 

"I know all of this, all I'm saying is if I do need help thank you for the offer, but if I can't pay for it myself then I don't need it." I told him. He smiled at me. 

"I said nothing about paying nothing. All I'm saying is we got your back son." Doc told me. I just looked at him. After a few more drinks Doc stood up. 

"Well I be damn." Doc said. Luci and I looked at him. 

"Oh sorry. It's just already 6 in the morning." Doc told us. I looked at Luci. 

"I better go and start the chores." I said to her. 

"I'm going to start breakfast. Doc you want to stay for breakfast." Luci asked him. 

"I think I better be getting on home. The oldest Carson boy came and got me at 8 last night so I'm ready for a nap. Thank you for the coffee and letting me get warm." Doc Addison told us. 

"Your more then welcome Doc." Luci said to him. 

"And Luci, if I ever need your help--" Luci cut him off. 

"Don't be afraid to come and get me. I'm here or at the school house." Luci said to Doc Addison. 

"Okay. Thank you both." Doc said to us. 

"I'll walk you out Doc." I said to him. I kissed Luci on the top of her head. Its cold out here. 

"Brantley thank you again." Doc Addison told me. 

"Your welcome sir. Now get on home and go to bed." I said to him. 

"That's where I'm going right now." Addison got on his horse and rode down the old dirt road going back to town. The same old road me and my girls will be riding on here within the next 2 hours or so. 

I walked over to the barn so I can start milking the goat and milk the old milk cow we have. We are so lucky to have Old Bessie. She gives us a whole gallon of milk in the morning and another whole gallon at night. The poor milking goat only gives us about a pint a day, but we will take it all. Once spring gets here I have 2 main plans that need to be done. One start working on the new cabin and 2 getting the ranch back on it's feet. 

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