Chapter 33: Mars Orbit

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The answer to Amisha’s question had to wait, since - just at that moment - Teo appeared, seeming very excited.

“You must come up to the bridge,” he said, “You can’t miss this: We’re just about to enter Mars orbit.”

As it happened, three of the women felt that - yes - they certainly could miss this to hear the answer to Amisha’s question, but they could see no decent reason to refuse.

It would have to wait.

They followed him up to the bridge and saw immediately that he was not exaggerating. Now so near it felt like they could almost touch it, they were angling in past one of Mars’ moons.

“That’s Phobos,” said Teo, resuming his position at one of the control consoles. “Even though it’s the biggest of the planet’s two moons, compared to Earth’s it’s tiny: only 22 kilometres across.”

“It’s not very round,” said Laura, looking at the odd-shaped lump as they flew by.”

“You’re right,” said Teo, “more like an asteroid.”

Gemma casually moved over to stand closer to where Irvn sat. He looked up at her and smiled warmly. Looking up, she saw the other women’s eyes on her. Amisha winked.

‘Bitch,’ mouthed Gemma, smiling.

‘Tart,’ mouthed Amisha, smiling back.

All of this went unnoticed as - suddenly - all of the aliens began to talk quickly to each other, their hands flashing over the  controls. Then just as suddenly all four relaxed.

“We have Mars orbit,” declared Matias.

“Well done, boys!” said Laura. “Shouldn’t this call for some kind of celebration?” Especially - ” she added archly, “since it now appears there might be the odd bottle of wine aboard.”

There was silence for a moment as the women all looked at Gemma and, in turn, Matias, Teo and Cymon all looked at Irvn.

They all burst out laughing.

“But we’ve only just had breakfast,” said Kate.

“Right now, in many places on Earth,” said Laura solemnly, “it is already the cocktail hour, or even past it. How about it guys?”

“I think there may be a couple of bottles of champagne we brought back from France,” said Teo.

“Ah,” said Laura, “so you checked out the French talent before choosing us…?”

“No comparison,” said Teo quickly.

“Hmm,” Laura, “we may have to come back to that one later. Your place or ours?”

“The best view will be from the big wheel” said Teo, “Especially if we rotate the ship at the same rate of turn to keep the planet in view.”

“Teo, you never cease to impress,” said Laura.

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