Part 20: When The Rain Finally Stops

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She still saw Jimmy at the club but usually he just avoided her like the plague. Once in a while he would shoot her a dirty look but for the most part Nova just ignored him. As far as she was concerned, he was just another jerk and he never showed her the slightest bit of concern for her after she came back from the accident, not that she cared.

Nova had never felt so loved before, watching the way all of her friends came together to help her out. It was almost enough to help fill the void that Q had left in her life. She hadn't heard from him since her accident and even though she had a lot to focus on, she still thought about him. Granted, it hurt less and less as time went on, but he never fully left her conscious. Almost every day she would wonder how he was doing or see something that reminded her of him that he would have appreciated.

She still didn't know what fully happened there, but she tried not to dwell on it. It wouldn't change anything. She knew that she did nothing wrong and that it all stemmed from his own issues on trust, but she still wished that he would have given her the chance to explain. Robin told her countless times that he was not worth it, but that didn't stop him from invading her thoughts. At night, she even dreamed about him from time to time.

Robin would give her little updates on the show if Nova would pester her enough so she knew that they were in the middle of filming their third season. Nova figured he was probably too busy to think about her.

Nova was finally at the point where she was able to somewhat freely walk around without the help of a friend or a crutch and she tried to walk every day to get the function of her leg back. According to all of her doctors visits and physical therapy, she was healing quite well, but her knee was still very sore. They told her that it would never be 100% back to the way it was and that there was a chance that she would walk with a limp for the rest of her life, but that didn't stop Nova.

As much as Robin worried, Nova would leave the loft and at first she would walk to the end of the street and back, testing herself to see how far she could push it before things got too painful. After two weeks of doing this, she was able to walk another block and then another block after that. She was up to three blocks now, almost four and even though walking back was a struggle, she still pushed herself to do it every day. She could feel herself slowly start to take back control of her life.

"Hey where were you?" Robin asked Nova as she came back from one of her walks. "Oh, I just went for a walk" Nova huffed, visibly exhausted after the whole ordeal. She hobbled over to the kitchen to take an Advil for the stiffness she was feeling. "You know you gotta be careful with that, you should just use the gym downstairs, that's why it's there. One of these days you are going to get mugged!" Robin nagged.

"They can't mug me if I don't carry anything on me" Nova said, throwing Robin a wink before she took a sip of water. "I'm just saying, you need to look after yourself" Robin urged. Nova waved her off and limped over to the couch.

Robin was in her chair reading a book and she glanced over at Nova when she plopped herself down. There was a moment of silence between them as Nova drummed her fingers against the arm rest. "How was the set today?" Nova asked, causally trying to make conversation.

Robin looked at Nova above the rim of her glasses and sighed. "What? I'm just asking you how your day was" Nova said innocently.

She knew that Robin didn't really like to talk about work, especially when she was working with the Jokers. Her and Pete McPartland had never really warmed up to each other and he had often fought her on most of her ideas for marketing the show. He was kind of old school and Robin was very much with the times so a lot of her ideas he didn't find necessary, especially if they costed money. The network was the one who brought her in so he had to deal with her whether he liked it or not. They could never really find a common ground.

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