The message

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Clarisse POV

We were just leaving the coliseum laughing with Prissy about his victory over my father. Now normally I hate it when people disrespect Ares because they are then disrespecting me, but I know Percy and I respect him, slightly. Plus Ares hasn't always been the best dad, so it's sometimes kinda fun to watch a friend take him down a few pegs. Oh great Hera I just called prissy my friend, I must be losing my mind.

'Attention mortals'

Yep, hearing voices in my head, definitely losing my mind. As I look around I realise that a lot of people are covering their ears.

'You have been told by my sister that I am coming to harm you. That I am going to come to your planet and attempt to destroy all that you love in a sinister attempt to hurt her. This. Is. A. Lie. I do not wish to harm your people, nor do I want to destroy what you hold dear. I will not lie and say I do not wish to hurt my sister but I do not want to involve such youth in a gruesome battle that doesn't require their participation. I intend no harm for your people, you have suffered through two wars, I would not ask you to participate in a third.'

By this point many were running around scared, some had grabbed weapons and were looking for something to hit but there was nothing. My mind was racing at a million miles an hour and I was quickly becoming frustrated. This being had hit us at the perfect time to leave us reeling with the new information.

'My sister is not so kind. She would ask for you to lay your lives on the line, to sacrifice yourself to aid in her battle. She is manipulating the death of those beneath her so as to get her own petty wish. She who trapped her own brother in a cage for eons because he dared to defy her god complex and only when she could not handle the problem did she come to you. She didn't want to tell you I was coming. Think of that before you choose a side.'

And just like that the voice had faded off. My head was crystal clear and all noise could be heard throughout the camp again. I vaguely heard the scampering of hooves and I realised that Chiron had arrived and listened to the message. As I tried to process what happened and what I had just heard I realised that I had somehow walked to the big house for a councillors meeting. Percy was stood at the forefront of the table talking and I had been ignoring him so I quickly switched back in.

"- that's what Lady Chaos has told me. She mentioned the prophecy as we all heard and I have been thinking about it at great length. I am unsure on what the line of 'monsters forgotten' but I want to bring it to the attention of the gods, see if they've learnt anything. Don't forget they will be helping us in this war as Lady Chaos has temporarily suspended the ancient laws. Unfortunately I know one line that seems pretty clear, the cloak must fall, the hero reborn. Unless these is another demigod that wears a cloak and got a new identity that's referring to me. I have to lead this war and apparently the new age shall depend on my shoulders. I know we have had our differences in the past and believe me I am no where near forgive and forget but if we wish to win and survive this war we need co-ordination and we need unity. I may never see those who betrayed me in the same light again but I am willing to withhold my strong rooted hate in the hopes of not dying."

It made sense, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Percy has made many enemies in his life, including his friends. But now there is a new enemy, one that apparently does not wish to attack us. The thought had barely entered my head before that idiot daughter of Athena had spoken.

"Do you seriously expect us to fight? You heard what that voice said, it doesn't want to harm us, it only wants chaos, this is a fight between two deity's older then the primordials. We barely managed to beat Gaia, how do you expect us to come out of this one alive? It said it would leave us alone and besides, why should we trust you? You claim you hate us so therefore how can we expect you to lead us and not turn on us?" Annabeth argued, earning many reluctant nods and a few snickers from the Stolls.

"What kind of a world do you think End would lead us into Miss Chase? Do you think there would be peace, tranquillity? Do you think we would be allowed to advance? We who are the descendants of Chaos's very own creations. End would rule this world with an iron fist, the primordial would be eradicated, the titans and gods destroyed, how long until he decides we're too problematic? What then? What do we do when our greatest hopes of defeating End had been wiped out because of our own reluctance and ignorance. Think about the future Annabeth. Aphrodite knows I thought of nothing else when we were together so for once use that Athenian intellect and put it to good use. End is coming, we get help merely months before he arrives in 3 years time, we need to train and we need to fight. If you aren't willing to fight then fine, I know it's hard, to walk through two wars and then march willingly into a third one, that's a tough toll on anyone, but I'm willing to pay it, and if I'm the only one then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

Gods he was such a drama queen.

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