Tell me again, who is the superior?

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Percy POV

"I would bow to you Lady chaos but I'm afraid I bow only to those that have earned my respect. Whilst I hold no ill intent towards you and am completely aware of the power difference between us, you are yet to prove yourself to me. Now do not take that as my being rude, but I hold myself on my principles and without them I may as well give my life to the river now." I spoke in a calm voice which surprised even me because this is the creator and I just told her to prove herself. Gods I'm dumb.

"Hmmm.... I respect that Perseus, I have been alive since the dawn of time as I am the one who gave birth to the primordial Chronos and so I have seen many noble good people abandon principle for those in a higher power. However I fear you did not answer my question, if you could have anything Perseus, what would it be?" Chaos replied in a cool collected voice with a hint of.. was that pride in her voice?

I thought about the question and as I did my mind wondered back through my history. I had seen death and caused more. I had survived two wars and walked through literal hell. I had been betrayed by my family and love and in doing so I now have the chance at a new family.  My suffering had made me but I want to protect others from suffering. "I would like to be able to help those closest to me. I have suffered plenty in my life and I would like to save those I care about from such tortures." I answered with confidence at my answer for it was the truth. Loyalty to the end.

"So you wish for your close ones to not have to suffer Perseus?" Immediately I shook my head. "No, whilst I do not wish them any ill suffering, I can not prevent it from happening because the darkest times are what make us the strongest people, they make us what we are supposed to be. So no I would never deny my closest friends and family from becoming themselves but I would like to aid them as best I can in getting through the suffering and being stronger for it." That's when she smiled. The creator of the universe smiled at me.

"I thought they had predicted you wrong Perseus Jackson but I see the fates were correct in choosing you. You may not know it but you have been marked by fate for greatness that far exceeds your already high list of accomplishments. Very well Perseus, I can not imbue you with any more power or skill for you are already strong enough however, I can allow you a second method, you can run fast with the blessing of the messenger, you can swim fast with the domain of the father yet you can not traverse the realm of the sky and so I, Chaos the creator, bless you with the wings of Jurgenham. Use them well hero."

I felt a searing pain blazing from my back and I almost screamed in agony but I held it in. Nothing can hurt as bad as my past. Nothing can break the mask of a faceless man. And so I didn't scream, I didn't grimace or even show signs of distress. I simply kept a blank face until finally my back was complete with a pair of onyx black wings plastered with stars. The wing span was around 6 foot but I knew that by just thinking of them being gone they would disappear and appear when I wanted.

"Actually there is one more thing I wish to do before I leave, Perseus, if you would please put your hood back on, I must bring forth some people for urgent news." I complied with the wish and placed my hood back on my face, covering everything but my mouth. I thought who Chaos was going to bring and what urgent news we needed to hear before everything in me stopped. A flash of silver revealed them. Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Piper McClean, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Douglas Michaels, Reyna, Clarisse, Will, The stolls, Pollux, Thalia and... Leo?!? I knew he survived but I thought he stayed on Ogygia with Calypso, that must mean he found a way to free her. But he's back at camp, he must have heard the rumours spread about me, I hope he doesn't believe them but I can't be surprised if he does, Jason and Piper are his best friends.

I began to get flashbacks of each of they betrayals, the words they said, the actions they had took, each flashback sending me back into my past causing me to get angrier and upset. Why had Chaos brought them here? I looked up after I remembered he had urgent news but I saw him looking at the ceiling in horror. I looked too and I saw something that terrified me. The enchanted ceiling of Olympus, made to show the strongest aura in the room, was changing when the creator was here. That's when I realised Chaos was looking at me now, and I knew why. My aura was spiking, I was angry and I was loosing control and it had overpowered the aura of chaos, the ceiling read me as the strongest person in the room. That's when chaos unleashed his full aura, every god and demigod fell down to the floor staggering from the power emanating from the creator but I stood my ground, my knees shook slightly but I was fine, I was almost as strong as the creator.

"It's not possible. With more training and power you would be stronger then even me, yet you are no more then a demigod, how is that possible?" Chaos asked, his mouth gaping like a fish. But Persassy was in full swing today."I could be stronger then the creator you say with just a little more of what I already do, I guess that leaves the question Chaos, who is the superior again?" I smirked.

A/N I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I'm sorry, I was away for a while last week and then I've been busy with school stuff but I am gonna do a triple update today (this is the second chapter that I've posted today) so please forgive me?

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