Really Leo?

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Clarisse POV

I watched as Percy ran at the people he used to trust and began to fight them. The same way he fought in the battle of Manhattan and in the war against Gaia, he was a blur of movement and sword swings. I noticed he hadn't used Riptide and decided to ask him about it as soon as I could. I know Percy is the strongest demigod to live but still, I don't see how he can win this fight.

I watched as he parried strikes and used a rather unorthodox method of fighting. As a daughter of the war god I could often read the flaws in techniques and see the most likely outcome of a battle and watching Percy right now, I could not sense a single flaw and the battle appeared to be going in his favour. How is it possible?! He's fighting two roman children of the big three, the first child of Athena to recover the Athena Parthenos, a daughter of Aphrodite so gifted with charmspeak that she could perhaps control a god to a certain extent and then there was Frank. My half brother, a son of Mars, descendant of Poseidon. A demigod so powerful Gaia herself imbued him with a weakness.

He could transform into anything and yet here was Percy. A son of Poseidon beating them all. He had told me in his letters that the gods had given him a couple gifts but when I asked him about it he didn't specify. I watched as he flipped and rolled away from the cursed gems Hazel was growing before finally getting within striking distance of her. He hit her in the head as she tried to strike with her Spartha and she fell to the ground unconscious. He ran towards Piper next who attempted to use Charmspeak to get him to lay down and yield. Surprisingly he didn't even budge and ran straight to her hitting her with the butt of his sword and she joined Hazel. Frank screamed with rage and turned into an elephant stomping his way to Percy in an attempt to squash him underfoot.

Percy moves faster then the eye could see and was no where near Frank, who turned into a wolf for the extra speed. Percy smirked and got onto all fours. I watched in stunned shock and amazement as Percy grew raven black fur across his body, his arms became paws and his the side of his body had a patch of white hair that looked like a Trident. His teeth lengthened and he grew claws. I watched as Percy Jackson took on the unmistakable form of a wolf.

Frank, who had been watching the entire time in confusion changed back to his normal self as his concentration on maintaining his wolf form completely disappeared. It was in that moment that Percy leapt at Frank, kicking firmly in the head with a back paw causing him to crumple and fall unconscious. We all watched with baited breath to see what else the son of Poseidon could do and as I watched Jason fly into the sky by manipulating the wind current I figured that Percy would be out for good now. There was no way he could reach Jason.

That's why I was so surprised when Percy stood still and had a look of concentration on his face before he sprouted the most beautiful pair of wings I had ever seen. They were a midnight black with stars across the entirety of the 6 foot wingspan and at the centre, where both wings met, was a small replica of what looked like a red sun. I could not believe that this was the boy I met all those years ago and had attempted to give a swirly to. I had only one question in my head, What had happened to him?

Percy PoV

I leapt from the ground and spread my wings so I could soar at the son of Jupiter who floated there shell shocked. He recovered a lot quicker then Praetor Zhang and threw down a lightning bolt straight at me. I caught the bolt using the air current and threw it back which he intercepted with another causing a smoke screen to rise. I quickly used the water in the air to sense where he was and saw an outline of fluid stronger then the rest of the vapour and I knew it was him. I flew straight towards it and slammed the hilt of Sea Serpent into his head causing him to fall to the ground.

I caught him just before he hit the bottom, as much as I may hate what they did to me I couldn't let them die.

I scanned the battlefield for any more attackers and didn't see any but I did only see 4 bodies. Hazel was in a heap in the middle of the arena, Piper lay to the left side next to where I had deposited Jason. Frank was on the right side face down in the dirt which only left Annabeth.

As soon as I realised she was left I felt the air current shift behind me and turned only to have to grab a knife she had thrown at me. I couldn't see her which meant she must be wearing her cap. I decided to try out another power that I rarely got to use due to my constant isolation. I looked into her mind and began to speak to her.

(Percy Annabeth)

Annabeth, did you really think you could stay hidden from me

Percy? How are you in my head? What happened to you traitor scum? Did the giants give you these powers or the titans?

Four years and still as ignorant as ever miss Chase

I am not ignorant Jackson, I'm going to be the one to beat you

"Is that so?" I said right behind her, I had used her mental responses to pin point exactly where she was in the arena and mist travel behind her. I immediately knocked the cap off her head so that she was visible again before I put my sword behind her head and held my pistol to her chin.

"Yield?" I asked, an innocent smile on my face.

"How did you -" She was cut off as I hit her in the head with the pistol rendering her unconscious.

I began to walk out of the coliseum and as I did I heard someone scream "HIS POWER LEVEL IS OVER 9000!" followed quickly by the ringing of a slap to the face and someone shouting "REALLY LEO?!"

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