「Act 29: The one with Cherry Chang」

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Author's Note:

The part of the meeting... Attacking the Triads... Amaya's decision... Everything will unfold in the next chapters. Now let's take a small look at the leader of the enemy! Shall we!

Disclaimers: All right reserved of the originals "High & Low" Characters, Names, Places, etc to Sigeaki Kubo/ EXILE HIRO/ LDH World/ HI-AX/ enish.

Disclaimers: All right reserved of the originals "High & Low" Characters, Names, Places, etc to Sigeaki Kubo/ EXILE HIRO/ LDH World/ HI-AX/ enish

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Cherry Chang, the one and only legal child of Chang. The current CEO of the central of Geonchugga Company and the second head of the Triads. Cherry was thought of as nobility and was part of Hong Kong's High Society. She was a lover of art, well educated and a very beautiful woman. In her age, she had already accomplished great tasks.

Cherry had white fair skin, shiny and soft. Her hair was long and straight. The color was onyx black. She was quite tall around 5.5'. Her eyes were a bottomless pool of darkness; black filled with fierceness and pride. Her appearance impressing. It was said there was not another as beautiful as her in Hong Kong.

Starting to get a feel for who she really was at her core. These days of more calmness, now that she had mastered the art of having a clear brain, the serenity of feeling her own intelligence rather than tiring herself with unresolved thoughts, she could see far more clearly. Since the day a leading spot was offered to her, her actions were accurate and brought results.

The Head of the Triads and her father Chang was proud of her. He knew that his daughter earned every titled she owned with hard work, dedication, and pride. She was devoid of emotion and ruthless Chang, who knew exactly how to use the power and money to benefit the company and the association. She had a higher level of professionalism, unlike his illegal son Li.

And again she proved it. She managed to surround SWORD legally and attack them under the table. Li once more couldn't bring down SWORD or threat them in any possible way. He only managed to give SWORD and Kuryu enough evidence to blackmail the Triads. That was the reason why Cherry ended up visiting today the headquarters of Kuryu to meet with their new leader.

Today was set that half of the nameless city would be demolished. Bombs were placed and everything was going based on the plan. Until her lawyers showed her an email that was sent by Kuryu. It was a blackmailing email written on point and presenting a few of the proofs. She accepted to meet with Ryu as the email suggested. Yet, even in that threatening situation, Cherry was calm and in control. In her short years, she had already stubbled upon bigger problems than this.

Determination drove her on. After they arrived at Kuryu Group, it took her several minutes to get out of the car and announce herself. With her as always were her two lawyers. Young and Zhang were two of her most trusted people. Finally, she was guided inside Ryu's office.

He had just returned from seeing Amaya. And he had scheduled to meet with Cherry the same day. He needed to move fast. Ryu was standing next to his desk facing the view in front of him. Out of the wooden window, the Japanese garden and technical water streams echoed inside the room. He was wearing his loosen black attire and listened at the steady walk of Cherry approaching his desk.

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