「Act 25: The one with the Smitten intoxication 」

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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter includes semi- sensual scenes. Should I rate it 'M'? ^_^

Disclaimers: All right reserved of the originals "High & Low" Characters, Names, Places, etc to Sigeaki Kubo/ EXILE HIRO/ LDH World/ HI-AX/ enish.

Disclaimers: All right reserved of the originals "High & Low" Characters, Names, Places, etc to Sigeaki Kubo/ EXILE HIRO/ LDH World/ HI-AX/ enish

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As the car engine sang to the lone country roads, Amaya relished the roaring winds that twirled in her long dark hair and whistled in her ears. The two-door Chevrolet Biscayne, 1960 presidential blue was given to Amaya. The classic car was owned by the Hino family and Cobra thought it would aid Amaya to reach work safer. True be told, he also hoped she would stop riding in Hiroto's bike.

Amaya accepted the gift and thought to use it already by taking a two-day trip into the wild. A trip to Mt Fuji. She needed to get away for a few days and straighten her thoughts. A month almost passed since the fight with the Mighty Warriors. The positive news was that the Korean Mafia disappeared and never bothered SWORD. As for the Triads, for now, Saigo and the Hacker were on their track and they could not place another attack.

SWORD was still into danger and eventually, the triads would strike again. Though for now, everything seemed to take a small pause. Even the Nameless city's plan of getting demolished was brought to a hold. The Rude Boys and the rest of the Nameless inhabits remained in the shelter.

Back in the Amamiya Apartment, things returned to normal. Hiroto's injury slowly healed and he could once more move and fight as before. Amaya spent most of her days at work and Sannoh. Both of the stubborn pair was lately trying to avoid each other. Something had changed in the way they viewed each other. They could not name the feeling. Actually they didn't dare to acknowledge. Like two scared children they were just stepping away.

Hiroto promised Cobra, his sister had nothing to fear. He was sure and proud of himself that he would never do something to the idiotic roommate to hurt her. He was too willful to give up and admit defeat. Amaya was even worse. At least she agreed that she was driven by Hiroto. At least sensually. He was a very attractive male. Yet she was more stubborn than him to accept that she had any other emotions.

The hills that lied friendly in the day - like the pillows of the land - were darkly ominous by night. The paths that were illuminated just hours before become lost in a blackness that even moonlight couldn't help. Amaya left around 5 pm from Itoken Diner. She went to take the Car and to inform Cobra that she would take a trip to Mt Fuji. Two days living far from the Amamiya Brothers sounds like the best gift Amaya could give him. It never occurred to him that things would get worse.

It took about two hours to reach Lake Kawaguchi from Tokyo via the normal toll-free road, and Mt. Fuji was visible on the way. Amaya had booked a room in the 2-star Hotel called Hatago Ichiya for two days. The scenery was magical as the first snow had fallen and Mt Fuji looked at its best. Amaya was only a few Km away from reaching her destination.

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