「Act 28: The one with the Offer」

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He stood in agony and semi-blindness amid chaos. Then as he began to recover his consciousness, he found himself standing by a pillar some distance from where he had been sitting. Fiery smoke and dust, still boiling up from where the bombs had gone off far underground, was being violently agitated at the bottom. A series of new flashes broke out.

Few, that never abandoned the Nameless City, were now running. The attack had injured most of them but none was killed. Then geysers of hot ash and molten rock spouted upward. The City without a name was burning in ashes.

"P! Are you alright!" Takeshi asked him worried. The city was not fully emptied and today their mission was to take everyone with them.

P clean the blood of his forehead and nodded. "What's happening?" He turned around noticing the chaos and madness that was unleashed.

"Triads!" Takeshi uttered as he climbed higher searching the area "We have to go now! Everyone run!"

"Weren't they suppose to delay?" P wondered as he followed Takeshi.

Thankfully Takeshi, P and the rest managed to escape only with small injuries.

"What's happening?" Yamato questioned after the first explosion took place.

"Oe!" Hiroto uttered and pointed at the nameless city as the enormous explosion happened. It was as though a fist of orange flame had decided to punch its way out of the main complex. "That was a major blow!"

"Triads are on the move!" Cobra added as he took a few steps forward only to come across a second explosion.

"Saigo didn't manage to hold them back for long!" Tetsu said gazing at the smoke that was now rising from the nameless city.

Chiharu sighed "Cobra! What are we supposed to do?"

"Rude Boys!" his response came fast "We have to make sure if everyone is alright. Contact the rest of SWORD"

As Cobra said they called Takeshi and found out that none was in danger. Next SWORD was informed. A new meeting was arranged to deal with the Triads.

"We won't give up. Nameless was our city!" Takeshi was the first who talked as the meeting took place in the old hideout of the Mugen. "We can survive everywhere. Yet, we are being haunted. I won't forgive anyone who hurts my family. Even if the enemy is Kuryu or Triads."

Kohaku stepped closer behind him and with a calm voice talked "Nothing changed. Saigo attempt to trap The Triads didn't work. And after today's attack, that means they are back on their old tricks."

"We have to get back up." Rocky agreed "Even if we are dealing with a clan deadlier than Kuryu or the Korean Mafia."

"Isn't it about getting back up no matter how many times we fall?" Hyuga backed him up "SWORD will not let a foreign Threat break it!" And he was right, he had also witnessed Daruma fall not only once. What should he do? Declare defeat? That was not an option.

"We won't let SWORD end up like this!" Murayama howled "No matter what the cost!"

"Let's destroy the Triads!" Yamato cried out.

The meeting had started and it seemed that all five gangs of SWORD wanted the same thing. They agreed that they could no longer stand down and allow The Triads to attack them. When or how they would do that? They didn't know yet! Their meeting was still at the beginning at they had to organize and plan the right strategy.

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