A new beginning

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Justin obviously admitted to being awake and was ecstatic to have a business with his dad, but first, he had to finish his last week with my company.

The week went by fast and uneventful (other than the kids not wanting Justin or me going to work). Jeremy and Chelsea both looked for a new home and a building for Justin and Jeremy. The weekend hit and no luck with either.

During the week we also came out to the super enthusiastic kids who started planning everything from our wedding to our kid's names (not that either of us can get pregnant, but I wasn't going to tell them that).

Justin awoke slowly. "Nightmare?" He shook his head. "Surprisingly no. For the first time in two weeks no nightmares." I kissed all over his face while he giggled. "Let's go get breakfast love." He nodded and we headed downstairs where Jeremy was already making food for everyone.

"Good morning you two." We sat down and food finished soon after. It was sweet and warm. "Boys come here!" Chelsea said suddenly referring to Jeremy and Justin. We all walked over. "I found a business and it is close to a house that I already love. You and the kids have to approve it. I already called in to look at the place tomorrow." The family was excited of course. 

The next day they went to check out the house and business building. I couldn't go because of work, but Justin sent pictures and it was clear everyone was happy and excited. I got back home first and basked in the silence. It felt odd.

Soon after though the family came in. Justin jumped in my arms and kissed my face. "I love the place it is so perfect!" Justin ranted. "Did you have coffee?" I joked at Justin's high energy. "Just a little," He laughed and rubbed his nose into my neck. "I want to show the place to you tomorrow! They are both perfect! Just like you," Justin said and booped my nose.

The next day we went to the business and house. They were both beautiful and close to me. Justin was right. It was perfect. 

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